Im inside their outside

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I lay on my bed restless and alone, on a dark and silent night. I toss and turn in my bed trying to find a comfortable spot, but I feel uneasy. Something about to night just didn't feel right. I toss and turn until I finally find a comfortable position I close my eyes, but it doesn't make a difference, it's too dark in my room to see a thing anyways. I gusset it takes time for my eyes to adjust to the darkness. I lay there, still and silent on a still and silent night. My body is relaxed , my mind is blank, I'm ready for some much needed rest. Instantly the silent is shattered and my mind is filled with fearful thoughts as my startled eyes flash open.


It's almost undoubtedly the sound of a fist on glass. But no, it couldn't be, what would someone's motivation be to wake someone alone in their home. Think logically. If someone wanted to break why would they warm me with a knock? They would just break in, making a loud and obvious noise or try to be a silent as possible. Why would they knock? Monsters don't exist. I could give myself some peace of mind and simply look out the window,but I'm facing the other way and I'm too timid to turn my head, afraid to find my greatest fear standing outside my window. What could it be though? Maybe a couple of birds flew into my window. No, that's too unrealistic. Could a group of kid be running around late at night, knocking on windows to get a few laughs? It's a possibility. Come to think of it, maybe it was my imagination. Maybe I heard the usual creak in the house and my paranoid mind mistaken it for a knock.

Knock, Knock.

Nope, that defiantly wasn't my imagination. those damn kids are persistent. They don't want to quit until they get a reaction. Maybe some sick twisted freak is standing outside waiting for me to look so he can smash through and attack me. No don't think that. Don't get paranoid. Besides he outside, I'm outside, until I hear a shatter, I know I'm safe. Monsters don't exist. Besides I haven't moved yet hopefully those kids will think I'm a heavy sleeper and leave me alone.

Knock, Knock

No, it can't be kids. No kid would wait around this long just to get a reaction, from one ,lonely guy. They just get bored and move along. But what could it be? why would a serial killer target me, of all people? Think logically. Monsters don't exist. Don't get paranoid. They're outside, I'm inside, until I hear a shatter I know I'm safe. But if it's not a monster or some short of killer, what could it be? Just pretend to be asleep and maybe it will go away.

Knock, Knock.

Oh God I can't think of a noise I hate more than that persistent knock! Please go away! Just leave me alone and let me be! there's no hope. It's going to get in here and do sick horrible things to me. Inhale. Take deep breaths. I can feel my heart pound out of my chest. Just relax. Monsters don't exist. Remember, they're outside, I'm inside, until I hear a shatter I know I'm safe. Repeat that. Don't let your paranoid mind get the best of you. Just pretend to be asleep. Don't move a muscle.

Knock, Knock

There're outside, I'm inside , until I hear a shatter I know I'm safe. Monsters don't exist. just pretend to be asleep and pray that it'll go away.

Knock , knock

There're outside, I'm inside , until I hear a shatter I know I'm safe . Monsters DO NOT exist. I began to whisper to my self , " There're outside, I'm inside until I hear a shatter I know I'm safe. There're outside, I'm inside ,until I hear a shatter I know I'm safe..."

Knock, knock

I CANT TAKE IT ANY MORE! I'm going to go mad listing to these knocks! at least if I see what it is I'll have some peace in mind! Take a deep breath I repeat to my self , one more time.

"there're outside, I'm inside, until I hear a shatter , I know I'm safe."

I take a few more breaths , my heart pounding as hard as it ever pounded before, at a mile a minute. I slowly turn my head to face the window. My heart sinks into my chest and I'm too afraid to scream or move. I turned my head to find a pale figure with beady, black eyes Starting through me into my soul as a horrid grim spreads across it's face.

It was standing inside the whole time, knocking on my window.

the photo to the side is jeff the killer

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