Chapter Fifteen: My Mistake..

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"Andy? You alright? You know I here for you if you wanna talk.." "Y-yeah.. I know.. th-thanks Danny.." "Andy please open the door."

Tears were pouring down my cheeks as I sat in the tub of cold water, feeling my bruises slightly numb up. All that was running through my head was the night that Ashley left me that first time.. in the middle of the sidewalk.

I can't believe I messed everything up again.. and I didn't even run after him.. but partly because of Danny holding me back, but still I should've broke free.. maybe then Ashley wouldn't of been so mad. I mean I did everything for him.. He marked me as his own and dealt with my shit for so long.. and I completely stabbed him in the back. I went to Danny when I wasn't suppose to and now he left me like he said he would.. he gave me that chance and now I wasted it again..

"Andy you want breakfast?" I was torn from my think by Danny once again and sighed. "No thanks Danny. I'm f-fine.." I kept my cries quiet and wiped my face quickly with a cloth. "Listen.. Andy we went to get your stuff.. but Ashley.. he threw it all the water behind the buses.. all I got was your phone.. your band luckily still had some of your clothes and I think I have an extra toothbrush and

my hair brush for you to use." "Th-thanks Danny.." "Of course.. Andy if you need anything just tell me, please don't hesitate." "Okay." "Okay." He walked away and I sighed as I lifted up the drain. If I stay any longer i'll get sick.

As I stepped out in my old clothes I saw all my things on the spare bunk. Luckily the band still had my notebook so that was fine and my phone was sitting on top of it. But the think that caught my eyes was the new toothbrush and hair brush to the side.. Does Danny actually care for me?


After changing into some sweats and a hoodie I ate some breakfast before walking outside with Ben and Danny. I looked around and saw all the buses getting ready to drive out later. The shows have been good so far but all this dramas been ruining the mood. The fans miss Ashley and I'm well aware.Fans knew we were together and I wouldn't doubt that Ash was quick to tell them about the breakup.

"Andy?" I was snapped from my thoughts to Danny looking at me. "Yeah?" "Listen.. I uh. Andy I know you have been dealing with stuff and I just want you to know that i'm here." "I know Danny.. thank you." "Andy.. I like you, a lot. I want you to be mine and I want to be able to hold you close and kiss you. I want you to know that I.. I love you Andy." My eyes went wide and he grabbed my hand. "Wh-what?" "I love you." A small smile smeared across my face and I saw Ben walking up, smiling at the sight. "Danny I.. I.." "Andy?" His smile fell as his arms wrapped around me. I started coughing and shook my head. "Im f-fine." "Lets get you back to the bus." "Its normal Danny, the bruises over my chest are just acting up." I coughed again before looking at him and all the color drained from my face. "What bruises?" "N-nothing." "Andy, what. bruises?" I shook my head before turning but his grip tightened and he lifted me over his shoulder as e walked towards the bathrooms. "Put me down! Put me down Danny! Ben help!"

As he finally got the hoodie off my vision was blurred as his hands trailed down my stomach and my sides. "Andy.. why the hell didn't you tell me?" "Danny i'm sorry..!" "He pulled me close and kissed my head. "Shh, i'm not mad. I'm not mad at you. Andy who did this? Were you jumped?" I shook my head and he started gently rubbing my back. "Who was it Andy?"

So I told him.

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