As I made sure my bruises were completely covered I walked out of the bathroom and saw Ashley standing by the door. "Its about time." "I'm sorry.. they're getting bigger.." "If you listened to me they wouldn't be there." He snapped. "I'm sorry.." "Lets go. Your band is throwing a party."
We are actually almost halfway with this tour and I can't wait to go home. Everything is just a mess right now, but once Danny's out Ash won't hurt me anymore. I just know it. I know he is just hurting me to protect me, because I can't walk out next. He tells me that he doesn't want me to be the next him so I have to have something that brings all my thoughts back to him. I am still grateful though that he hasn't forced me into sex. Rape would.. it would.. just.. i don't know.
We stepped on my bands bus and I smiled weakly as I sniffed the familiar scent. I feel like I haven't been on this bus in forever. I really haven't because Ash likes me sleeping on his bus, under his bunk. He says I'm not ready for the bunk yet but its understandable I guess.. I did kiss Danny..
"Andy!" CC pulled me in a hug and I bit my tongue to keep me from crying in pain. Ash had gotten really pissed when I forgot his dinner the other night, and I'm sill healing. "Hey Chuppy." I lightly hugged him back and he pulled away smiling. "God I feel like we never see you, but I guess I just miss you sleeping next to me." He chuckled and I nodded before Jake came over. He sent Ash a look before pulling me close and grabbing my hand. "We made food." "Um.. I'm not hungry Jake, I just ate."
Ash limits my food for me. Its good though, I can't get fat on him so I guess I should listen. I mean I almost weigh 140.
"Andy?" I turned to Danny and immediately backed up. "How are you doing? You've been ignoring me." I turned to see Ashley walking over and shook my head quickly. "Danny I'll talk later."
It was hard to ignore Danny through out the party and I felt like a monster. Right now I was next to Ash on the couch drinking some soda. "I'll be back." I watched him stand and he walked away before Jakes smile fell. "Andy how are you feeling?" I raised an eyebrow. "Fine." "You are loosing weight. You look exhausted." "Thanks.. and I haven't been sleeping well." "Thats not good. And why aren't you sleeping?" "The floors not comfortable." I chuckled before my eyes went wide. "What?" "Nothing Jinxx, it slipped haha." "Andy? Are you sleeping on the floor?" "Ash would never make me sleep on the floor Jake, it was a joke." "Andy if anything is going on, tell me." "Okay." "I'm serious." "I know."
Ash came back and sat next to me before Jake spoke and all the blood drained from my face. "Why is Andy sleeping on the floor?" "What?" He looked at me and glared before putting on a fake smile. "I m-made a joke and they think i'm serious.. n-no big deal." He turned back around before his hand clutched to mine and I bit back a wince. "Andy sleeps in my arms every night, where else?" He chuckled and I slightly forced a laugh. "He looks exhausted Ashley. Take care of him." "Andy!" I saw Ben and smiled widely before standing and pulling my hand from Ash's grip. "Ben!" I haven't seen him beside glimpses at the concerts and I missed him a lot. "Dude where the fuck have you been?" "Haha, I don't know. Sleeping?" "I miss you." "Me too." "Did you see Danny?" "Uh, not yet.." "I'll get him." "Uh, i'll find him later." "Oh, okay." "Yeah." "Andy I wanna leave." I frowned before nodding and turning to see Ashley standing there." "Bye Ben." "Why don't you stay? Ashley is fine alone." "Uh, no. I'm gonna go." "C'mon, everyone wants you here." He grabbed my wrist but Ashley wrapped his arm around my waist. "Ben I am leaving." "Andy--" "I am leaving!" I pulled away and let Ash guide me away.
As soon as we stepped on his bus he pulled his skin from mine like I was fire. "Go get ready for bed." "Ashy its only 2:30.. we have a show tonight." He turned and walked off the bus but I followed.. probably a bad idea. "Ash I have to get ready for my show." "Yes Andy, the red pajamas." He kept walking and I glared. "Can you stop?! Ash can I make a decision for myself?!" He turned and looked at me making me shy back. "Excuse me?" "Ash I miss my friends! I miss my band and you've changed! You hurt me Ashley!" He started walking back and I immediately headed to the bunks. "Come here!" The door slammed and my whole body started trembling. I turned only to be punched across the face. "I am staying for you! Show me fucking respect! Unless you want me to leave?!" "Ashy I--" "Did I sat speak?" I shook my head and was slapped again before he pushed me back. "Go. Change. Now." A nod rolled off my neck before I turned and headed back to the bathroom, tears welling in my eyes.
Why does love have to hurt?
....I didn't update fast at all.. I'm sorry.. And Andy i'm sorry too.. *sniffles*
(Anyone watching SPN in five

Save me From the Darkest Places
RomanceAndley/Biersnop: When Ashley leaves Andy heartbroken in the middle of L.A. alone and sobbing, how will he react when guilt consumes him and he begs for forgiveness only to realize Andy was taken by another man?