More Things To Do In 'CMTWD'

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1: Make drew say that his afraid of uncle Jeff *because of those damn ugly as hell scars he has.....LMAO!!!!!!!* and see the reactions coming from the whole mansion as well 2: agree to let my little sister either visit or in any case move in with me here, which is her choice not mine or anybody else's-----but always try keep a very close eye on her or else who knows what's going to happen to her if i don't-----it'll not be pretty at all if Judy happens to either get hurt or even worse for any reasons what-so-ever......cause i won't be too happy with that if that actually does happen, and i would never plan on/or wanna forgive them!!!!! (so try warn the others not to do anything stupid around or in front of my little sister Judith......otherwise though, there'll be a lot of hell to pay!!!!!!!) i think it would actually be okay if my hybrid wants to babysit my little sister for me when i ain't around, probably either hanging out, or helping out with stuff in the garden, or visiting our house in Atlanta just as well.....but just in case she's has more then one phobia of something, just try to keep it away from her *be it some of the pastas---------or anything else like that!!!!!!!!* but it still kind of reminds me of when a certain male pasta tried to kill my siblings after ignoring whatever i said, so that's my G***@mn phobia that we have to watch out for, so from now on!!!!!!! STUPID CLOWN!!!!!!!!! now the hate for my most despised people is getting much worse. thanks a whole lot for that. NOT!!!!!!!!!! *i hope that you burn and rot in hell JACK!!!!!!!* Also i had nearly snapped when that happened------so from now on i'll never trust anybody starting with one certain hollow, an ugly as hell monochrome clown, a zombie BAT-S#*T blind cannibal, a dark elf, another hollow, my second enemy aka Grinning Raven, *i am now starting to call him that because of his ugly scars, and just to plainly annoy the hell out of him.....* the other elf who drowned, two certain proxies, (but not Toby------his on the other list okay?!?!?!) and i think that would be all for now, because their all idiots who likes to piss me off for no apparent reasons what-so-ever and they also have no chances to survive if i ever snap and happen to wreck havoc in the whole place max level of losing my cool: but leave the other pastas alone and don't do anything about or even to them since they didn't do anything to annoy me to begin with, *well mainly the ones that i call my friends and of course allies, cause they are the only people that i trust, like, and approve of, along with everything else too but in a totally good way of course......and of course they really do have the highest chances of surviving my wraith, the consequences, punishments, and other stuff like why the heck not!!!!!!!* i would never hurt or kill any of my friends and family, (unless i had a reason why for doing that!!!!!!!)

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