Part 8:

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OKAY, and then so this'll be the one chapter of what my characters favorite lines are. whichever can be anything which they want. *but please don't tell me that these are not actually real lines though OKAY???????*
Alexis Hyuga Uchiha: "i can do whatever i wanna do which means that you can't ever try to stop's your problem you'll have to deal with it!!!!!!" then she starts to laugh very hysterically & kills the person.
Me: *the hybrid & creepypasta version......* "i get to do all of karma's dirty work now------so i'm actually the real karma, but don't you dare try to stop me.....damn human!!!!!!!" then she lets her inner monster take full control and goes on a little spree. & later turns back into her normal self not even giving a F@#K about any mess that she made during her spree.
Trixie-Anne Uchiha: "do you really think that your stronger then me?!?!?! haha no way.....cause you are the prey now!!!!!!!"
Me: (the vampire & creepypasta version......) "i just might be surrounded by damned idiots and all that S#*T-------but i ain't even stupid unlike you are-------so this is the damn end for you. & so you'll be going bye-bye now.....FOREVER you stupid mortal human!!!!!!!!" then she turns them into dust: (or either tears their heart right out of their chest, and licks off all the blood just before biting into it and leaves it dry--------then eating it whole......and then letting that person or whatever bleed slowly to their death......just like whatever she has done with Laura's cousin who is a damn proxy, but she didn't even know about her own daughter being preggers--------until it was like too late and she's been totally angry ever since then!!!!!!!!!) also she's actually still pretty much angry about not killing him sooner. when she had the chance to do it in the first place. and if she is ever forced to do whatever she hates------then that person WILL DIE which is a promise that she never plans on, or intends to break!!!!!!! *mostly including a very familiar hollow......which is the so-called 'boss' LMAO!!!!!!!!!!* then they'll ALL be sorry for even pissing her off. also their all still afraid of her: because she's getting even more darker and meaner then usual! (if the worst of her enemies and least favorites don't EVER stop annoying her or making her mad, then one day sooner or later.......she'll get so mad that she is gonna snap and do the most scariest thing ever that nobody else dares to do.......wreck havoc inside of the whole mansion and even worse still kill all of the ones that she despises the most of all with a burning passion along with her entire and normal undead life---------So good luck to y'all with trying everything to calm her down while she's on that level, you gosh damn stupid hollow brothers!!!!!!!!!)

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