Part 18:

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"Hey what's up girls, i have something to tell you about...." i said "what is it gonna be now? hey i'm just curious & pretty much dying to know!" Alexis replied "whatever this is going to has better be good otherwise it'll probably waste my precious time, and everybody including the kids may know about what is gonna happen!!!!!" Steph Blood-Stone told herself while her left hand was beginning to shake and twitch like crazy & trying to stop from thinking about going on a riot; "sis are you serious right now??????? please calm yourself down if you can try!!!!!!!" Terry explained to her big sister but in question. "Mother do you want poor Ellie to see that your conditions are actually even worse then her own.....with all those darn shaking and twitching and pretty awful neck cracking noises & head jerking that she also does too?!?!" Laura had asked her mother nervously "and for Drew and Roxy to see all of your cuts that you happen to make around everywhere on your whole body and that you are suicidal?!?!?!" Judy asked me "w-wait a minute who told you that, Judy?!?!" i said back to her while stuttering like crazy but in question "your husband told me about it, even after the day of Drew's birth.....and when he saw what you did to your own wrist!!!!!!" she told me while pointing out at my scarred up, not yet healed up and still pretty bloody-red wrist: 'damn it how could he do that and why now of all times WITH my baby sister? i'm so gonna kill him right now for doing that and not properly keeping a secret of mine!!!!!!!' i whispered quietly to myself and began to clench a fist but had just remembered what my daughter told me: so i let go and only saw a little bit of scratches on my palm. but at least none where too deep unlike the first one that i made. *and that was another one part of me that i hurt, besides my arms of course & my right wrist as well....but it's kind of still red & hasn't really been healing as much like it should be....cause i was kinda still picking at it some more again today! (hey it doesn't really bother me at all or anything else like that if you know what i mean by that, besides i actually kind of love that feeling of blood running down my skin then whatever!!!!!!) "mother you gotta stop doing that, cause i wanna see the scar on your wrist gone for good like your other scars please try not to pick at it anymore!!!!!!!" Roxy told me while grabbing my left hand very gently and carefully to stop me from picking any deeper on my right hand below the wrist: i just made a scoff noise and not saying a single word as i crossed my arms over my chest. "good you actually understand my perhaps you wanna try keep your promise to me about not hurting yourself anymore or even trying anything else like might not be thinking it matters to you but it does matter to me because i am your little girl, you'll have to understand that it hurts me just as much as it hurts you and everybody else around here too including Drew and father as well------don't you get it mother?!?!?!" Roxy told me but in question while her eyes were starting to glitter and getting blurry with tears. (and plus i could just see her beast form having the same reaction, and mine also reacting the same way as i am)

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 07, 2022 ⏰

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