Me: *The Creepypasta & Hybrid Version!!!!!!*

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OKAY well so i am totally like the first hybrid creepypasta.....but WHY THE F*** SHOULD I ALWAYS GOTTA DEAL WITH A DUMB-@$$ BROTHER LIKE CARL????? (& even worse still his a different breed of hybrid unlike me, Judy, and our parents Rick & Lori as well-----oh wow that's making me feel so much better already------NOT REALLY!!!!!!) i'd rather keep having hate, dysfunctional, and cold-blooded relationships & other stuff with my brother for every good reasons because he is freaking annoying me to the core!!!!!! also Carl doesn't like my boyfriend at all------well he can trespass where his not welcome and get killed then go to you-know-where, in whichever case from where the zombies used to come from way back when we still had a zombie apocalypse happening, and i was created then sent from ofc....for all i freaking care about!!!!!!!! *and yes of course that's me laughing very hysterically with bitterness, venom, hate, and last but not least darkness also very big hints all in one......cause it's all my brother's fault for making me turn into what i am; so curse the other big part of me that loves Carl and wants him to be spared from death!!!!!!!!* "oh jeez-la-grimes......i don't like where this is going at all!!!!!!!!" Evans said to herself and let out a quiet whimper "i don't like it either, because your host is going dark and it's pretty scary!!!!!!!!" Sully told her and Liu was frozen in place standing there right besides me. (and his reaction was like O_O with his jaw wide open......) then out of the blue we heard poor little Drew starting to cry, so Evans picked him up & did her best to comfort him *in about 3 hours he finally stopped crying------* "ooopsie-doo my bad, i really didn't mean to frighten Drew and make him cry.......i am so so sorry about that!!!!!!!!!" i replied to Evans "well it wasn't only Drew that you frightened though......Steph!!!!!!!!" she told me *so yeah anyways.......back to the description because i'm too lazy ASF to put in another detail for this!!!!!!!!!* nobody knows this about me buuuuuut; i am actually suicidal-------hehe get it????? because my boyfriend is homicidal, okaaaaay no?!?!? i'm just gonna leave now.....sorry about that i just had a dark moment for myself right here!!!!!!!!!*
Why do you hate your own sibling so much?!?! i just do because 1: Carl despises my boyfriend Liu a lot 2: his a damn liar for not wanting to see or hear any part of my points, so he deserves everything he gets to hear and whatever else from me......and most likely from our parents and little sister Judith as well 3: i still don't ever wanna get along with him or keep having anything that ever has to do with love, function, kindness, respect, or anything like that really......i still deserve to be his enemy other then his so-called; 'sister dearest' because he asked for it way more then me and Judy did, and i actually threw all of it away in order to become what i am now today-----but i'm still keeping my inner monster hybrid curse NO MATTER WHAT THE HELL HAPPENS. because if i am just a killer & monster with no monster curse of any kind what-so-ever, then i would rather choose to die alone, (without getting married & having my own family.....) so take Evans for example of that bull-crap!!!!!! 4: why in the F**KING hell does he gotta be over-protective about me anyways?!?!? seriously i wish that he doesn't have to be......OMG he's got no idea that it's annoying me!!!!!!!! 5: i deserve to be a killer and every single thing i always think of myself as-------but i still have my sanity just as much as 1200% left: So who else is not your favorite other then Carl????? gosh damn cannibals and clowns, well mostly frigging hollows!!!!!! *whatever their names are......which i dare not to mention......but still intend to do so anyway!!!!!!!!* i always do my best to avoid them whenever i happen to cross paths with any of them, or when they 'accidentally' bump into me like the dumb idiots they are whenever i'm not in such a good mood to see or deal with any of them, and of course while lurking & roaming around everywhere in the whole mansion in hopes & interests of looking for some things to do in order to keep myself from snapping in boredom and exhaustion. (which of course is as usual------also their quite lucky that i don't end up killing them off where they stand or even belong------or you know.......something else worse then that!!!!!!!!) and never speak to them as much......well because their my worst enemies of all the other stuff i absolutely despise!!!!!!!! 6: if my dearest little sis Judith ever has to go where i am like the mansion-------then so be it......she only can if i agree......well so nothing more then that!!!!!!! *but Carl doesn't have know about that ever!!!!!!*

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