These lines and whatever else are quite useful for every single one of my favorite books, *and mostly including all the cussing words------which always happen to slip off my character's tongues whenever, wherever, and of course at who-ever they wanted to------but they probably meant half or most of what they've just said. and however nobody could blame them otherwise they get pretty ticked off because that is actually provoking them in a very bad way because of that!!!!!* also the only ways for them to apologize is: let them wait for at least 5 or 7 days until they have finally changed their mind and they agree to say; "i'm sorry" to who they had upset. or even hurt in any single way possible. (But just not to people who they hate, "their enemies" or even least favorite people around them, cause they DO NOT ever get or have to deserve it: which is exactly how they are, & however their made to be------FREAKING MONSTERS AND KILLERS------by my own hands of course because why the hell not, and cause i'm the main one who has created them all by not only myself.....but also my heart and every other single parts of me has done it all too in order to create them as well!!!!!!!) like no matter what happens, because nothing else in their whole life can force them to apologize or do whatever for quite some apparent reasons; also they're actually supposed to think of themselves about whatever and what else they are meant to be since their creation & other stuff like that as well. because that's exactly what makes them what & how they are. like probably either born with every single disorders and conditions at once (just like my vampire character, Miss Blood-Stone!) or had gotten them when they became mean, dark, scary & shadow-like monsters and killers ever since a long long long time ago & way back then.....of course *P.S. my love and hate created Alexis & her favorite wolves Stormy-Chan & Kiara-Chan, while on the other hand though my hands and heart created my hybrid OC & Evans of course....also my brain & feelings created my vampire character Miss Blood-Stone as well!!!!* "So who-ever disagrees on that we cannot say or do whatever the hell that we want-----well they can get whatever they deserve & you know-----never be heard of again......cause they'll end up fricking DEAD and so whatever on!!!!!!!!!!" Vita said very very sarcastically. "Mmm-hmmm i can always choose on agreeing with everything from one thing to another thing as well.....but nobody could try and blame a hybrid like me....." i replied. "i'll most definitely say the same damn we all pretty much know that cowards like that don't actually deserve to live!!!!!!" Alex said (and her daughter Trixie just nodded while following her mother!) "pffffft well that was a pretty good one and all, but i would have prefer saying pathetic and stupid besides cowardly....because that's what kind of people i wanna get rid of FOR GOOD!!!!!!!" Roxy said

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