2. Different Reactions

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"What do you mean, Brieanna?"

"I mean Hayley found out you like her brother and she's really mad."

"Did she say if he was coming to the recital tonight?"

"She said her mom is coming but she didn't say anything about him."

I honestly don't know wether I want him to come or not. I know it really isn't my choice, I just feel like it would put even more stress on me if he's there.

"Alright," I tell Brieanna, "let me get ready for the wrath of Hayley Hansen!"

"It shouldn't be too bad!"

"I'm pretty sure it will. You know she overreacts about almost everything!"

"Well yeah but you would think she would be happy someone actually likes her brother! Hasn't he, like, never had a girlfriend?"

She has a point. Maybe Hayley isn't mad; maybe she's just surprised.

"I guess it wouldn't be too bad to at least try to be nice to her," I say to Brieanna.


"Caitlyn," Hayley screams at me when I walk in the dressing room, "what the hell is wrong with you?"

"Hayley, just let me expl-"

"Why wouldn't you tell me you like James? You know I could have helped you out."

Well that was a completely different reaction than I expected.

"What do you mean you could have helped me?"

The room literally feels like it's spinning and I have no idea what to say. I thought she would be mad.

"I mean I could have helped you get him. You have no idea how surprised I was when Rebecca told me!"

When I look at Rebecca, she's giving me one of those 'I'm-sorry-I-told-her-without-telling-you' looks.

"I'm just really surprised by the way you reacted," I tell Hayley, "I really thought you would be mad."

"Why would I be mad about a pretty and nice girl liking my brother?"

Well Hayley is just something else today, isn't she?


James's POV.

Hayley's recital is tonight. In like 30 minutes. She told me this girl in my class is in one of the dances. This girl, Caitlyn, I was a complete and total asshole to a couple weeks ago. She told me she liked me; I was so shocked that the girl I like, likes me back. I haven't talked to her since and I feel terrible. Tonight is the night I'm going to make up for all of that.

So here I am, sitting here in this theater, with about a thousand other people surrounding me. How does Caitlyn do this? How does anyone do this? She loves performing, I could see it in her smile at dress rehearsals two days ago. I wish I could make her happy the way dance does.

hey guys! hope y'all are enjoying the story so far. I know there's not much yet and I'm probably a really shitty writer but I'm trying! updates will most likely be every saturday or sunday, maybe earlier if I'm satisfied with it! please bear with me, I promise it'll get better!!!

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