5. No One Likes Her

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Caitlyn's POV.




I don't think I've EVER been that close to James.

Well besides hugging. I can tell you one thing though, that definitely wasn't just a hug.



Hayley's POV.

"Oh my gosh, we so have her fooled!" I tell James once we get in the car to wait for my mom.

"I know, right? She's so clueless! She seriously thinks I have taken an interest in her," James says to me.

"She's gonna be so embarrassed when we crash her birthday party next weekend."

"I almost feel bad about it," he says, "ha, who am I kidding? No I don't!"

"J and H, partners in crime."

"Oh stop, you!" he says, hitting my arm, "you know, I actually do feel bad about doing all this."

"Why?" I ask him.

"She's a nice girl, and I really don't have anything against her, you're the one that doesn't like her. She's never done anything to me for me to not like her. I actually do kind of think she's cute."

"God, you're such a sap," I tell James, "you still have to get invited to that party so you can help me out, though."

"I'll try my best."


God I am so tired. All this planning to crash Caitlyn's party really drains me. I put so much effort into it and I really don't want anything to go wrong.

I swear to God if James lets it slip I'll kill him.

"Hey," James says quietly, walking into my room, "what do you have against Caitlyn anyway?"

"It all started when we were three," I begin.

"I always dreaded going to dance when I was little, because Caitlyn and I have always been in the same class. When we were little, I never got put in the front of any of our dances. She has always been better than me. Better at dancing, better at making friends in dance, prettier than me."

For God's sake my own brother is prettier than me and he likes her. They would be perfect together.

But I can't let that happen.

She can't be happier than me. Not anymore.

"So what you're saying is you can't just live with the fact that's she's better than you..." he questions.

"Yep, pretty much."

"That's low."

"I really don't need your criticism right now. What I need is for you to get Caitlyn's number and flirt with her so you can get invited to her party."

I swear if he messes this up, I will ruin him. Caitlyn is so naïve, she can't tell the truth from lies. She's oblivious to the fact that no one likes her.

I guess some people are just like that.


James's POV.

God, Hayley is so stupid. She thinks she'll really be able to pull all this off.

She is so oblivious to the fact that no one likes her.

Caitlyn is so nice, and I really feel bad for her. I mean, every time she reaches out to someone, they turn their back on her. Like me.

I honestly want to mess all this up for Hayley, she's really being a bitch about the whole situation. I'm surprised someone hasn't called her out on it.

I promised Hayley I would help, and when it comes to promises with her, you don't break them. I hate thinking about what happened the last time a broke a promise with her.

"What the hell, James!"

"I told you I couldn't do it, Hayley! My education means too much to me!"

"Do you remember that time at the beach when y-"

"Don't. Do not bring that up."

"Oh so you don't want to reminisce on the time you got that girl preg-"

"Hayley! I'm serious!"

"I'll keep quiet about it, under one condition. The next time you promise me something, you have to keep it."

"And what if I don't?"

"Everyone will know about your beach rendezvous and you being a baby daddy."

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