11. Ice Bucket Challenge

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Okay so it's not a lot but I just started school and I'm going to try to update as much as possible still!

Oh and I've changed who plays Caitlyn! Now it's Katherine McNamara. If you've every watched/heard of the show Unforgettable on CBS, she played the high school version of Carrie in the high school reunion episode.

Caitlyn's POV.

After an hour of riding in the car, Mrs. Cindy pulls up to an old stable.

"You kids have fun! I'm just going into town about ten minutes away. James, call me when y'all are ready to be picked up," she says as we exit the car.

"Okay, mom, I will. Thanks," he says.

She drives off and leaves us standing outside the stable. James and I walk up to the closed doors and he unlatches them and pushes one open.

"Wow," I breathe as the stable door opens to reveal lights hanging from the rafters, a few blankets in the center of the concrete floor. James walks into a room that looks like what used to be an office of some sort.

He comes out of the room a few minutes later, a wicker basket in hand.

"I know, I know," he says, "cliche first date, with the picnic and all."

"No, not at all. I actually think the lights were a really nice touch," I tell James, giggling to myself at his cheesiness.

"No you don't, you're just saying that to make me feel better."

"No I'm not, it really is very nice."

He takes my hand and leads me over to the blanket to sit down.

He starts to pull items out of the basket. I see him pull out a bottle of wine and two glasses, and he sees me eye him suspiciously and he smirks at me.

"James, we're both only fifteen!"

"It's grape juice. Calm down," he says, chuckling.

"Not funny, I might just call your mom to come pick me up and leave you here," I joked with him. His face paled.

"I'm kidding!" I told him, "You should see your face!"

"Please don't do that."

"I'm really sorry. I know I should be nice to you, considering the bombs we both dropped today."

"It's really fine. Now," he says, holding up the so-called grape juice, "shall we?"


"Oh my gosh! You did not!" I yelled at him between laughs.

"I did though! No joke!"

"I cannot believe you made Coach Jopling do the ice bucket challenge!"

"Hey, it's for a good cause! And he said he was broke so it's not like he had any other choice."

There was an awkward silence as we just simply stared at each other for a moment.

And that's when he started to lean in.

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