Chapter 4

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            "Alright, I'm ready to go home now," Finn said ecstatically as he tried to push himself up.

            "Oh no you don’t," his wife responded. "You just went through 100 years of torment. I would be surprised if you were even able to sit up correctly at this point." 

            "Marceline is right." Bubblegum backed up Marceline. "You need your rest."

            "Psh… you guys are overreacting. I'm fine! Look." Finn pushed himself out of bed and stood up. "See, I'm okay." He took a step forward. "Told ya you guys w-" He slipped. His legs had lost all their strength to push. Marceline dove underneath and caught him. She set Finn back on top of the bed.

            "You are not going anywhere, hero." Marceline commanded. "You are going to stay here and rest. You hungry?"

            "Not really…" pouted Finn.

            "Well too bad. You are going to get something to eat, even if I have to force feed you. You need your strength." Marceline prepared to leave the room and she glanced at Bubblegum one more time. "Bonnie, I know you think my husband is hot, especially with his new scars and all, but try to restrain yourself when I'm gone," Marceline joked.

            "Marceline!" Both the princess and hero blushed. Marceline kissed Finn on the forehead and left the room.

            Bubblegum walked up to Finn and sat next to him. "Thank gob you're okay, Finn."

            "Thanks for your concern," he said. "So…" he stretched out his legs onto his bed. "Anything interesting happen while I was gone these past hundre.. errr… ten years?"

            "Nothing," she replied. "Thanks to you." The truth is, something did happen. Not with anyone in Ooo on a large scale for that matter, but with Bubblegum. When Finn had left, she had been thinking about him intimately. What should have been, and what should never be. She had discovered her feelings for him, but he belonged to her best friend. It would be wrong for her to steal him from Marceline. She looked back down at her lap and wondered if she should ask Finn about the Lich.

            "I know what you're thinking," he said abruptly. "You're wondering whether or not the Lich is still inside me."

            "What the-? How did you know?" She was dumbfounded.

            "PB I've known you for more than ten years. I know your quirks and your thought processes. Heck, I even paid attention to them. I used to like you, remember?"

            "Whoa, even after a hundred years in prison, you still remember how I think? That's impressive."

            "Well someone has to. I need it to plan ahead." Finn sighed. "Well, to answer your question. I don’t know if he's still inside me or not. I can't feel him right now, but the feeling of him may return someday." He looked up at Bubblegum. "I shouldn’t be here. I'm dangerous. I am a threat to everyone in Ooo."

            "Finn…" She held his hand to console him, but quickly pulled away, realizing how it looked. "You know what Marceline had said?" He looked at her. "Marceline had said that you were brought back for a greater purpose, which is exactly what that angel had said. We can't be sure whether or not the Lich is still inside you, but we know for sure, that you are here for a reason bigger than all of us. You may be possibly be dangerous, but someone may need you. So until we are sure, don’t take that ring off."

            "I never planned to," Finn acknowledged. "And it's not because of the Lich. I refuse to take it off because I want everyone to know that I'm Marcy's."

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