Chapter 5

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            Marceline stood there dumbfounded. "Who was that?" she asked.

            Finn was just as puzzled as she was. "Apparently, a Creator."

            "A Creator?" She sat down next to Finn and placed a hand on his arm. "Was she the same person who took you out of the prison?"

            "No… that was my Mother."

            "Your mother? You mean Margaret?"

            "No, my real mother." Finn continued to debrief Marceline, giving her every detail of the story, from his birth up until his mother's murder. Marceline was shocked that Finn's own father, who once loved him, is trying to kill him to retain his throne. "So I have to kill my own father," said Finn reluctantly, "Or we all die."

            She gently caressed his arm. "Finn, I will always stand by your side, no matter what hardships we go through." She placed her other hand on his arm as well. "We have even faced the impossible and pulled through. This is just another bump in the road, but we will manage, like we always have." She rubs her hand all the way from Finn's arm and finally resting it on his cheek. "I have faith in you, hero." She then proceeds to give him a long, passionate kiss. As she is about to pull away, Finn holds her close, continuing to kiss her. She melted into his arms and repositions herself above Finn, mounting him with both her legs at his sides. She grabs Finn's face forcefully and presses it against her own. Finn then caresses her body with both arms, moving down to her rear slowly. Marceline takes off her shirt and her pants, and Finn didn’t need to remove anything, since he was already naked. Marceline reaches her hand underneath the thin hospital blanket and begins to stroke Finn's manhood. "You want me, big man?" she asks suggestively. Finn nods his head, licks his fingers, and slides them underneath Marceline's panties, making her squirm in pleasure. "Oh… Finn… That feels so good." Finn rubs her faster, making her legs tense. "Finn… I… I need you inside me… Please…" Finn stops rubbing Marceline, allowing her a few seconds to gain her strength. She gets on top of Finn, rubbing his cock against her panties, directly over her clitoris. Finn has his hands moving up and down Marceline's entire body, from her thighs all the way to her shoulder blades. "Are you ready, big man?"

            "Yea, let me have you."

            Marceline positions Finn's manhood beneath her vagina and slowly slides it in. She had forgotten how large Finn was and after ten years of not having sex, her vagina had tightened. Slowly, she gyrated her hips up and down, getting used to the size again. Finn had his hands on her rear, allowing him to have control over her once she gets tired. Marceline wraps her arms around Finn, pressing his face into her cleavage. "Finn… You feel incredible… oh… I'm cumming!" The speed increases to reach its climax, where the couple had released what felt like an eternity of frustration and anxiety into each other. Marceline collapsed onto Finn, the both of them gasping for air. "Oh gob… I think… we both needed that… I haven’t done that in ten years."

            "I haven’t done that in 100," said Finn.

            "Scooch over… or I'm going to fall off the bed." Marceline motioned him to move, and Finn obeyed. He moved over to his right and she fell onto his left side. She had one arm resting on his chest and her left leg intertwined with Finn's. She was quiet and tired. "Finn…"

            "Yeah Marcy?"

            "I'm glad you're back. I missed you so much."

            "I thought about you every second I was in there," Finn said softly. "I'm glad to finally see you, Marcy. I'm glad I'm back." He kissed her on her head, and the two slowly dozed off into slumber.

            Finn wakes up in a barren desert. Around him is nothing but sand. There is light in the distance, but directly above him, he could see his home planet. "No… No I cant be back!" He frantically looks around, calling for his wife. "Marceline!" He runs in a random direction, but gets nowhere. There is no sign of anything in this place, just sand on the ground and the planet in the sky. He hears a low growl coming from behind him. Without hesitation, he runs as fast as he physically could. He could hear the beast chasing him, thumping his feet onto the floor. "Stay away from me!" he screamed. After what seemed like hours of running, he had fallen from exhaustion.

            "You think you can escape me!?" the Lich grabbed Finn by his leg as he desperately tried to crawl away. "No matter what happens, boy, your soul will always be in here with me!" He lifted Finn up, dangling him by his ankles. "You will always be my bitch, for the rest of eternity!" With the snap of his fingers, Finn's entire being went ablaze for what seemed like weeks…


            Marceline was jolted awake by a sudden movement. She took a moment to breath so that her mind could process what was happening. She noticed that Finn was convulsing violently next to her. She placed one hand on his shoulder, the other cupping the back of his head. "Finn! Wake up! Finn!" The convulsing stopped as Finn regained consciousness.

            "Where am I?" he asked.

            "You're in the hospital." Marceline looked worried. "Do you… remember who I am?"

            "Of course, Marcy. How could I ever forget you." She hugged him and he returned the favor. "How long was I gone?" he asked.

            "You never left, Finn."

            "I meant, how long was I out?"

            "Oh… just a few hours. Why?"

            Finn was hesitant to speak of it. Marceline sat up and looked down into his eyes. "You had a nightmare, didn’t you?" She could read Finn like a book. "Was it about the prison?"

            He nodded.

            "Don’t worry, Finn. You're here. I won't let anything happen to you." She grabbed his hand and placed it above her heart. "I haven’t felt my heart beat in over a thousand years. It beats for you Finn. This is real. I am real." She pecked him on the forehead. "So don’t worry. You're really back." She kisses him on the lips this time. "Try to get some sleep."

            "Okay. I love you so much, Marcy."

            "I love you too, Finn."

            Finn spent the next couple of hours until sunrise staring at the ceiling. Marceline had fallen asleep, but Finn couldn’t go back to it. He would sacrifice almost anything he had to not go back there. Anything but Marceline, of course. He didn’t want to relive that hell again, and if he lost a couple hours of sleep every night, then so be it. 

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