Chapter 11

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            Bubblegum's scream rang within Finn's head. I'm coming PB! Don’t worry! He thought. It began to rain as he raced towards the Candy Kingdom as fast as he could, but he was too late. All of the Candy Citizens had been killed within the raging fire. Just as Finn clenched his fists in anger, he heard Bubblegum's voice again.


            "PB!" he replied to the screaming voice. He looked up and saw her suspended high in the air, held by an angelic figure. Finn raced towards her at lightning speed, attempting to slash the angelic woman to shreds. She deflected his attacks, knocking Finn a couple feet back.

            "Hello, Pen. It’s a pleasure to finally meet you."

            "Who are you!?" he asked.

            "I am Jane. Pendleton's second in command." She closed her eyes as she shined her wings intensely, eventually taking the form of a phoenix. She opened her eyes again. This time they were brighter than light. "And I am here to kill you."

            Finn readied his creator blade and with his other hand, the demon blade. "Then your fight is with me." He pointed to Bubblegum. "Let her go."

            Jane laughed at his request. "As you wish," and dropped Bubblegum from what seemed over fifty feet in the air.

            "NO!" Finn dashed towards Bubblegum in an attempt to catch her, but Jane kept block him, deflecting him away. Finn tried again and again, but to no avail. He finally saw the solution, to save Bubblegum, he had to kill Jane before she hits the ground. "Let's make this quick!" and with that, Finn and Jane were battling each other.

            With each deflected strike, lightning fell from the skies, making contact with their blades. The fight was happening so fast that even time seemed to stop to observe their battle. The falling raindrops around them were slowing down as the blades cut cleanly through them. Finn was trying to keep up with Jane's insane speed. He was used to fighting Rebecca, who was obviously slower than Jane. But Finn had to win. He had to, for Bubblegum. He tried to be faster, but Jane matched his speed. At this point, she was just toying with Finn. She could move faster if she wanted to, but she wanted the pleasure of seeing one of Finn's best friend die before his very eyes. She wanted the pleasure of seeing failure in his eyes. With great force, the two clashed their blades together, creating a shockwave for all of the water droplets around them to disperse. The shockwave knocked the two apart and they dashed towards each other again, resuming their battle. Finn could not outmatch Jane's speed, and before he knew it, he was becoming slower due to fatigue. Jane saw an opening and swung her sword quickly down towards Finn. He blocked her attack, but it sent him barreling down towards the earth, creating a crater once he hit the ground. He quickly recovered, but as he dashed towards Jane to resume the battle, he heard a loud thump. Oh no! He thought. He looked towards the ground from above the Candy Kingdom and saw Bubblegum's broken body in the field right where Jane dropped her.

            Finn went black in this exact moment. He was floating in a place where everything around him was pitch black. He was in his mind, in fact, the very back of his mind; the place where Finn's own conscious thoughts dare not venture to. Off in the distance, he hears a deep growl. "Let the hatred and grief consume you. Let it become you."

            "NO!! Get away from me!"

            "Let it unleash the beast within you, Finn! It will make you powerful! Let it be!"

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