Prussia x Reader: Pudding Prank

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**Corrected the use of "Fräulein" to "Mädchen."**

    "Hey there Mädchen. I'm Gilbert, but you can call me the awesome Gilbert."
    Looking up, you scrunched your eyebrows together, trying to figure out why one of the most popular guys in school was talking to, of all people, you.
    It wasn't even possible for him to be talking to someone else, as you sat alone at a bench in the corner of the cafeteria, and he stood smirking down at you.
    Shifting your eyes behind him, you could see his friends and some of the girls who liked to flock around him watching you two, trying not to giggle.
    "What do you want?" you asked, trying to hide the fear in your voice as you returned your gaze up to the albino boy. He called himself Prussian, but everyone knew he was from Germany with his younger, but taller and much more muscular, blonde brother.
    "I want to do something with you," he responded. "Something fun."
    "Fun, eh?" you asked, donning a smirk of your own. "How would you like to prank everyone in the school with me?"
    "I'm listening," Gilbert said in a low voice, leaning down towards you. "What's the plan?"

    Over the course of two days--Saturday and Sunday--you and Gilbert hung out together and with no one else, plotting out and gathering the necessary supplies for your school-wide prank.
    You discovered that once you got to know him, Gilbert really wasn't that mean of a person. Sure, he was loud and obnoxious and a pretty big jerk sometimes, but he was also genuinely kind when he wanted to be.
    Like when you fell behind to tie your shoe, on the way to the store Saturday. One of the girls from school, Wendy, had bumped her hips into yours "accidentally," knocking you over onto the wet grass.
    "Oops, sorry," Wendy sneered. "I didn't see you there, since you're so invisible."
    You glared at the laughing girl, tears of anger and hurt gather in your eyes.
    It's all that stupid German's, Gilbert, fault, you thought bitterly as your vision blurred. I wasn't bullied once until he decided to talk to me, and actually show interest in some girl other than the slutty-clothes wearing rats from school. Now it's been nothing but shoves and cruel jokes since Tuesday.
    Suddenly, the laughing girl let out a shriek, and landed in the mud next to you.
    "Oops, sorry," came a German accent, heavily laced with sarcasm, malice, and humor. "I didn't see you there Wendy, or should I say windy, since you're as transparent and cold as the wind."
    Flabbergasted, Wendy opened and closed her mouth like a fish stuck on land, her eyes as wide as full moons.
    "B-but, Gil," she whimpered, beginning to tear up. "Why?"
    Ignoring the sputtering and muddy mess beside you, Gilbert bent over with his right arm outstretched. At first you just stared at his hand, then slowly took it as you realized it was meant for you.
    You were pulled up and Gilbert helped to brush off the wet grass and little bits of mud on your jeans and tank top. Next Gilbert gently took your hand in his, and lead you away from the yelling mud monster.
    "Are you alright, Fräulein?" he asked once out of earshot, dropping your hand when you turned a corner.
    "Y-yeah," you stuttered, still in shock at what he did. "But... Why did you help me, and not her?"
    "She pushed you into the grass and laughed a you," Gilbert replied simply. "That could be considered borderline abuse, since she touched you. Besides, bullying is not okay."
    "I'm surprised," you whispered.
    "By what?"
    "You. You're not anything like I thought you would be..."
    "I am unsure whether that is good or bad," Gilbert said. "But danke."
    Silently you followed Gilbert to store, lost in the sea of your thoughts about how he acted and treated others at school versus how he acted and treated you and Wendy just now.
    A hand gripping your arm harshly and jerking you back pulled you from your thoughts, and you stared in terror at the realization that you very nearly walked into rushing traffic.
    "I called your name twice, (Name)," Gilbert said. "You didn't seem to hear me, so I had to pull you. Are you sure you're alright?"
    "I'm sorry," you murmured, backing away from the curb and closer to the German. "I-I was just thinking."
    "About?" Gilbert prompted.
    "It doesn't matter," you stated, shaking your head after a moment and then sighing. "I'll pay more attention now. Thank you for saving me a second time, Gilbert."
    "Gil," he replied. "Call me Gil."
    "Okay, Gil," you said with a small, shy grin.
    After a minute of an almost-awkward silence, the traffic lights finally turned red and the crosswalk sign lit up in white the little walking person to signal it was safe to cross the road.
    Gilbert grabbed your hand and quickly led you across the white lines.
    "You (plural nationality) let anyone drive, so I like to hurry across before someone runs a red light," Gilbert explained once on the other curb. "Back in Germany, only those who are taught by professionals and pass can drive. It's much safer."
    Once across, Gilbert continued to hold onto you, but loosened his grip so you could easily slip your hand out of his if you wished to do so.
    Not long after, you made it inside (superstore) and began to make your way towards the grocery section. You stopped mid-stride to stare at a beautiful (color) dress that was on clearance.
    "You like it?" Gilbert asked.
    You nodded and said, "Yeah, but I only have enough money to buy the supplies for the prank." With a sigh, you began to walk again.
    "Hold on." You looked over at your shoulder to see Gilbert pulling a cellphone from his back pocket and then texting someone. After he finished he slipped it back into it's place, and caught up with you. "Alright, let's go, Fräulein."
    "One of your girlfriends?" you asked, trying not to let the bitterness leak. You kept your face straight forward and slightly angled away from him, so he couldn't see your face you hoped was blank.
    "Nein," came the reply. "Mein bruder. I had a favor to ask him, and wanted to text him before I forgot."
    "I see," you said, nodding.
    "Oh, and by the way," Gilbert piped up excited. "I didn't tell him or our friends about our prank, so we can get them too."
    "Sweet!" you replied fist-pumping. "Too bad we don't have GoPros we could use to catch everyone's reactions!"
    "Actually," Gilbert said slowly. "I have a couple. Antonio, Francis--and even on occasion Lovino--and I sometimes use them when we go out and troll people."
    "Really..?" you asked, turning into one of the grocery aisles to begin collecting what you need. "Could... Could we use them? Please?"
    "Of course!" Gilbert laughed. "That's why I told you I had some! Now, how much do we need..?"
    "Well..." You tapped on your chin, thinking. "We need enough vanilla to fill two containers full, and we need to make sure we wash the containers before refilling them. We also need to somehow be able to seal up the little cups, too... But that's impossible."
    "Perhaps not. We can try heating the lid while pressing it down, and maybe it'll seal back up," offered Gilbert.
    "Gil you're a genius!" you said enthusiastically, clapping your hands together. "We can use an iron."
    "Let's get shopping," the German said, his famous rape-face smirk that so many girls fall for plastered on his face.

    "...hey. Gilbert, my pal. Gil. Gilly, my main man Gilber-"
    "You forgot which bowl has the pudding and which has the mayonnaise, didn't you?" the German interrupted.
    "........yes," you admitted shyly.
    "And," Gilbert sighed. "You want me to check, don't you?"
    "Please?" you asked innocently, looking over at the albino and blinking sweetly. "Pwetty pwease?"
    "Fine, but if it's mayo I'm gonna make you try some too," Gilbert warned as he set down the two giant mayonaisse jars he was drying. Sticking one finger into a large bowl, he pulled it back out after a moment. Gilbert looked thoughtfully at his finger that was coated in the white mush from the bowl.
    "It's mayonnaise," he stated, looking over at you.
    "How can you te- MMMGAAAAGHHJ!! ...mmmmm..."
    "KESESESESESE!" Gilbert nearly fell over in laughter, his pointer finger curled over your bottom teeth in your mouth. "It's the pudding! Gosh you should have seen your face, it was hilarious! You looked so terrified and grossed out!"
    "Vlat vwas meem!" you grumbled, before pushing Gilbert's finger out of your mouth. "I thought you shoved mayo in my mouth!"
    "Nein! It was the vanilla pudding!"
    Now aware of which bowl contained which, you began to shovel the pudding into the two large jars and Gilbert spooned the mayonnaise into the empty pudding cups. Once you both had finished, you closed the jar lids and helped your new friend iron the lids back onto the mayo-filled vanilla pudding cups.

    Walking down the halls at school, you tried to remain composed as you every now and then ate some pudding from the large jars. Your GoPro was hidden beneath a scarf you wore around your neck, and you successfully captured about four people gagging.
    When you met up with Gilbert passing by you on the way to classes, you shared a knowing smirk.
    Before lunch, you and Gilbert passed out all of the secretly not-pudding cups to as many people as you could. You gave most of them to Gilbert to pass out, since he was popular and had more friends. You did manage to pass out all five of yours, though.
    At lunch, Gilbert invited you to eat with him and his friends in a corner of the cafeteria. The German's fangirls didn't seem to happy, but his friends, especially his brother, accepted you quickly and you didn't worry too much.
    You and Gilbert watched as Ludwig opened his pudding cup, grabbed his spoon and shoved a bite into his mouth. Three of the girls followed suit.
    Ludwig and all three of the girls had disgusted and shocked faces, and all quickly scattered, trying to get to a trashcan before they threw up.
    All around the cafeteria was hysteria. Every table had at least one person who ate some "pudding," and so many people were scrambling for trash cans they ended up bumping into each other and some even vomited on the floor or another person.
    You and Gilbert were dying of laughter, as were a good majority of everyone who didn't get handed a cup of nightmares. Teachers soon swarmed the area and helped students to the nurse's or the bathroom, and the janitor began to clean of the vomit.
    Snickering, Gilbert and you followed the crowd as everyone was evacuated from the cafeteria. The principle thought something was wrong with the food, and for a week after the school didn't provide any food while it cleaned out the entire kitchen.
    Only you, Gilbert, and the victims of your fun little prank truly knew what caused mass hysteria in (school name).

    "Hey, (Name)," Gilbert said after school.
    "Yes?" you asked, stopping mid-step to turn and face the German.
    "I bought-- Well, I guess I didn't buy it... But I had that dress you wanted bought." Gilbert looked down and then back up at you nervously. "It's fine if you don't want it, I just thought maybe it could be a peace offering for all the bullying I've caused you to endure after I talked to you. Also, you can hang with me and my friends whenever you'd like. You'll always be welcome."
    "Oh, Gil," you smiled and your eyes teared up a bit. "Thank you! For both. This means a lot to me... The friend thing. I... I've never had that many friends, so..."
    "Hey now, don't cry!" Gilbert ran up to you and gently wiped your tears away. "Would you like a ride home? Mein bruder has a car, and I'm sure he would have no problem dropping you off."
    "Yes!" you exclaimed, relieved not to have to ride the bus. "Thank you so much, again!"
    "Come on then," Gilbert said, walking off. "Meet me by the front entrance whenever you're up for a ride home. And let us know if you'd like a ride here, too."
    "I would love both, thank you!" you said, catching up to the German.



Fräulein - Miss/Young lady (title for unmarried girls, especially young women)
Mädchen - Girl
Danke - Thanks
Nein - No
Mein bruder - My brother

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