Vampire!OC x Reader: The Questioner

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    You snuck through the woods as quietly as you could, tip toeing carefully and avoiding fallen branches, twigs and large patches of leaves. You had made plans to meet your boyfriend in the forest. You both greatly enjoyed being out in the woods surrounded by trees, moss, rocks, and all the little bugs. Except spiders. You were afraid of those. Alexander always made sure to remove any that were found, though.
    Today, you wanted to scare your boyfriend. He had made it a habit of tackling you while you were admiring nature waiting for him, and you wanted to get him back.
    You had told your mom your plans and had asked for an excuse for being late, and then told Alexander you'd be late due to having to do one of your chores before you were allowed to leave.
    You could see Alexander's figure sitting on a log in the small clearing next to a little creek you two usually met at.
    Victory shall be mine, you thought proudly as you grinned. You quietly and carefully picked your way up behind him. You crept closer, preparing to scare him. You were, however, unprepared for his actions.
    Before you could do anything to scare him, Alexander turned around, launched himself at yoi and tackled you, pinning your body to the forest floor underneath his.
    You opened your mouth to shout in fear and shock, but Alexander's lips met yours before you could say a thing.
    "Got you~!" he sang softly, staring down at your shocked expression with amusement.
    "How did- How- Just, how?" you stuttered, bewildered as to how he had known you were there and surprised you rather than you surprising him.
    "Your footsteps," he said. "Plus, I... Have been meaning to tell you something. I wanted to tell you when  we first started dating a month ago, but... I was afraid you'd leave me... So, I decided to wait until I knew you trusted me so that you'd be less... Scared."
    You didn't like how fast this meet up had escalated, but you asked what it was he wanted to tell you.
    Alexander leaned his face down, closer to yours, and stared into your eyes.
    "Do you trust me?"
    "Will you continue to trust me?"
    "I... Don't know honestly, but I can try."
    Alexander nodded slowly before moving his face to your neck.
    "Whoa whoa whoa whoa," you said quickly, the four words sounding like one long word from the speed at which you spoke them. You struggled to release your wrists from his hands pinning them down, beginning to panic. "Alexander, hang on a moment, you know I want to wait until marriage for intimate stuff!"
    "I do know. Trust me. Okay?"
    Alexander rested his face in your neck, sighing softly.
    "I... I'm not quite human," he whispered softly. "I've... Never been human, really..."
    You stayed very still, confused and a little scared. "What do you mean?" you asked cautiously.
    "I mean what I said. I'm not human, like you are. I'm a vampire."
    "Oh," you whispered. You hadn't meant to be so afraid, but you knew vampires feasted on human blood. There were so many different types of vampires in movies and books, you didn't know what to expect from Alexander. He could have pretended to be gentle all this time, when in reality he was planning to torture you to death. Or he could be genuinely in love with you, and wouldn't do anything to cause you harm.
    "You're... Afraid of me," he said softly, sadly. Alexander released his grip on your hands and moved to sit down next to you rather than pinning you down. You sat up, feeling your heart pound in your chest.
    "I'm sorry," you whispered. "I just... Can't help it..?"
    "No, don't be, it makes sense. I knew you would be afraid... But I was just hoping maybe you wouldn't. It was foolish of me." Alexander very gently put an arm around your shoulders. You flinched at first, then willingly leaned in to him.
    "I- uh... About your... Diet..." You nervously played with the leaves and plants on the ground between your legs.
    "I drink blood," he confirmed. "But I don't kill my hosts."
    "How..?" you asked, curious now. You looked up at him, your fascination and love for vampires beginning to take over your initial fear of suddenly meeting one.
    "I only drink from those who are asleep, and never take more than 10% of their blood. And I make sure I don't drink from the same person two months in a row, as that could make them anemic." Your eyes widened.
    "Y-you drink from people every month!?" you exclaimed.
    "Yeah," he said sheepishly. "Technically, if I killed my host, then I'd need only one person three or four times a year. But, because I try to keep the damage and signs of my drinking minimal, I have to drink from quite a few people every month."
    "Alexander," you said. "I'm sorry to interrupt, but... Have... Have you drunk my blood...?"
    "Oh, no!" he exclaimed in response to your nervously asked question. "No, no, no. I'd never drink your blood without your consent."
    "But you'd drink other humans' blood without their consent?" It was more of a statement or accusation, but you phrased it as a question.
    "Yes... I suppose I do."
    "Have... You ever killed your... 'Hosts' before?" You awkwardly forced out the word he had used. When he didn't answer, you spoke again in a near pleading voice. "Alexander, answer me."
    "When I'm feeding, there is always a chance for the host to wake up from what I assume would be pain. If the host is unfortunate enough to wake up before I finish and can leave, yes, I kill them."
    Your heart nearly missed a beat and began to pound again. You shifted around uncomfortably, curling and uncurling your toes in your shoes and playing with your fingers. Alexander scooted to sit behind you, and gently wrapped his arms around you, hugging you close to him. He set his chin on your shoulder.
    "You know I would never kill you, don't you?" he asked softly in a calming and reassuring tone. You nodded slowly. "Please don't be afraid of me. I've never hurt you, and I never will."
    "Can I ask you questions..?"
    "Of course you can. What do you want to know?"
    "Do you... Uh. What happens when... Hey, you know sunlight? Do you... Ah, please, tell me you don't sparkle like those discoball fairies!"
    Alexander sighed slowly in amused exasperation. You could feel his breath blow across your jaw and neck, sending unexpected tingles down your spine and butterflies in your stomach. You shivered.
    "You've seen me in the sunlight. Have I sparkled?"
    "No..." You sighed in relief. "Do you have fangs..?"
    "Yes," Alexander replied. "It's easy to hide them by never showing your teeth when you smile. Or, alternatively, you always make sure your teeth show when you smile, and then everyone gets so used to the fangs and don't even realize they're there."
    "Did you know I was trying to sneak up on your because you're a... A vampire?" You struggled a bit to get that word out. "And is that how you've always been able to sneak up on me?"
    "Yes. Any more questions?"
    "I'll let you know when I can think of more," you said. You were disappointed that you ran out of questions.
    "My turn then!" Alexander said excitedly. "Hmm, let's see... Ah, how about this. Would you consider letting me drink your blood?"
    Your stomach dropped. "Uh. I'll... Think about it."
    "Do you find kissing me gross now that you know I drink blood?"
    "Honestly, a little now that you mention it... But I've never tasted the blood on you, how come?"
    "Ah-ah-ah," he scolded you softly, hugging you closer to him. "It's my turn to ask questions. Let's see, you asked four. I've asked two already, so I get to ask two more. Then you can ask again. Sound fair?"
    You nodded.
    "Good. Next question: are you going to trust me less because you know I'm a vampire?"
    "No! I mean... I don't want to." You turned to look at Alexander. "It's... Complicated. I-"
    "Are you afraid of me?" Alexander interrupted. You didn't want to answer him, and instead played with your nails.
    "I... Yeah. Honestly, yes, I am afraid of you... At least a little."
    "Your turn," Alexander said softly. You thought you could hear sadness in his voice.
    "I forgot to ask while on the subject," you said. "What happens to you in sunlight?"
    "Nothing," he replied. "The ancient vampires took the fact humans were immune to the rays of the sun to their advantage, and bred with them. Then they continuously bred the hybrids, called dhampirs, that had any resistance to the sun to vampires. The ones still susceptible to sunlight were killed in the tests to find the ones with immunity.
    "The next generation of dhampirs with immunity to sunlight was then bred again to vampires, and those unimmune died. They continued to do this until almost all offspring were immune. A lot of the original vampires not bred with humans eventually began to become scarcer due to the sun and vampire hunts, and thus a new race of vampires that was mostly immune to sunlight was slowly beginning to replace the old vampires of fairy tales and folklore.
    "Of course, there are still some vampires who are not immune to the sun. They have red eyes, while those of us who got the immunity have the chance to have the same range of eye colors as you humans. Not all vampires with red eyes are unimmune to the sun, but they have a higher chance of not passing on the immunity gene, and aren't as strongly immune as the rest of us. There's actually a new theory that suggests the eye color has something to do with the immunity."
    "So... Basically selective breeding took place by the vampire leaders or scientists of the ancient times to make vampires unable to be killed by sunlight?"
    Alexander nodded. "Pretty much. For a long while, only vampires who weren't immune to the sun were allowed to take a human mate, to start the process again. The vampires with sunlight immunity until the last two centuries were forbidden from taking a human due to the fact it would create a dhampir that would 'destroy all our hard work.' However, since 99% of the vampire population is immune, we're allowed to take human mates again.
    "Though, there are some vampires who think it ruins our bloodline to mix with the humans. They think we're superior beings due to our strength and speed, as well as our thirst for human blood.
    "So, now the... How do I say this without it sounding bad..? The... humanity... Was pretty much bred out of us, and all that remains of our human ancestors is immunity to sunlight, different eye colors, ability reproduce young as an alternative to creating vampires the old way, and the ability to consume food without immediately vomiting. However... Human food really does nothing for us, and since we can't digest it, we typically have to vomit it up at a later time anyway. Oh, and garlic and holy things no longer hurt us, but some with red eyes do get mild reactions to everything."
    "Is that all?" you said, sounding disappointed. "Isn't there more? That was so interesting! Please tell me more!"
    Alexander laughed, and told you maybe another time. "I'm debating on whether or not to count the 'is that all?' and 'isn't there more?' questions as the ones you can ask before my turn again."
    "Hey, no fair!" you said in a playful whine. Leaning back into Alexander you messed up his long black hair, and gazed up into his chocolate brown eyes. "I love you," you whispered.
    "And I love you," he whispered back. 
    "Where did you learn all of that?" you asked, still looking up at Alexander.
    "Those of us who are born vampires are taught the history of our kind either by our parents or by special vampires called 'monitors' who make sure we keep our existence a secret from most humans. If we choose a human to become our mate, we of course should inform him or her of our being a vampire to give them a chance to say no. However, should they decline our wanting to marry, we-"
    "Hang on, couldn't you have just say 'marry' or 'partner' in the first place rather than 'mate'?" you interrupted.
    "Yes, but I like seeing the little cringe of awkwardness you do at the word 'mate,' as it's quite adorable," Alexander responded, playfully booping you on the nose gently. You rolled your eyes in mock annoyance to hide your embarrassment, and he laughed. "Anyway, if the human rejects the vampire, that human must either be killed or turned into a vampire. That's partly why I was so afraid to tell you I was a vampire..."
    "Because if I rejected you, you'd be forced for either kill me or make me like you?"
    Alexander nodded sadly. "Both would be unbearable. Having to live knowing I killed the one I love, or that she can never explain why she ages so slowly to her family and friends, and eventually having to feign death to avoid suspicion and then move to another place many times."
    "Hey, you said that you now had the ability to... Reproduce. Did you not before..?"
    "We did not. The female vampires were barren, for some unknown reason. The only way to become like us was by drinking the blood of a vampire." Alexander gently stroked your cheek with his right hand.
    "Did they teach you where vampires came from..?"
    "Not directly. It's unknown where we came from for sure, but there are two possible theories that are accepted."
    "May I hear them?"
    "Hmmm... Well, technically you've asked way more questions than you should have, I think it may be my turn now."
    "Aw, come on! I want to hear!" you whined. You stretched your arms up and hug Alexander.
    "But I want to ask you some questions, too," he whined right back at you. He slyly moved his hands to your stomach and began to tickle your exposed tummy, making you yelp in surprise and then howl with laughter. After a minute or so he stopped to let you breathe and calm your breathing, grinning down at you.
    "So, would you want to... Become my mate?" Alexander put extra emphasis on the last three words with a smirk just to see you squirm at the phrase.
    "I... Well, I'd love to marry you, but I want to date you for far longer than a month before I decide for sure!" You were afraid that if you told him not yet it would result in him being hurt, and possibly your life ending.
    "That's understandable. You don't have to decide right now. We're not quite old enough to be married yet, anyway. And besides," he added jokingly. "I'm pretty sure your father would kill me if we got married now."
    "Yeah, he most likely would!" you agreed with a laugh. "The next generation vampire hunter, with only one target: Alexander."
    You both laughed and just enjoyed each other's company for a while. All too soon Alexander said it would be best for you to head home soon, as the sun was starting to get a little low.
    "Not until you tell me the two possible creations of the vampires," you said in defiance. Alexander sighed and shook his head, smiling slightly.
    "Alright, alright. The first possibility is that at some point, God decided to create the vampire. The creation of us was unknown the humans, and it is theorized that we were created to either control the population of humans to be a punish for their sinful ways. The second possibility is that vampires were the hybrid of either a demon or the devil himself and the unfortunate women he seduced and impregnated. Which makes a bit more sense, as we appear human but have red eyes, fangs, inhuman strength and speed, and the insatiable desire to drink human blood. And the way we have changed over the years."
    "Wow," you said. "Those both make sense."
    "Yes, yes. Now, you need to be heading home."
    "One more question, please?"
    "Okay, fine. One more." You both stood up and stretched.
    "What does it feel like to be bitten and drunk from?" you asked timidly.
    "I don't know," Alexander replied as he began to lead you out of the forest. "I was born a vampire, and never had to undergo the terror of falling victim to a thirsty vampire."
    Back at home, your mother and you were waiting for your father to return home from work to eat dinner. You were setting the table together. Your mom asked you about your stay in the woods with Alexander.
    "You were gone for a very long time. What did you two do? And how did scaring him go?"
    "I wasn't able to scare him. He heard me coming. And just talked about what modern vampires might be like if they were real... Turns out he likes them as much as I do, maybe more!" you replied.
    "Goodness gracious, we don't need another vampire fanatic around here," your mom joked, finishing setting the table.
    You laughed, mostly because Alexander was actually more a fanatic of night than fanatic of vampires, rather than at your mom's lame-ish joke. 
    As you laid in bed that night, you realized you forgot to ask if vampires -Alexander in particular- slept in coffins.
    Oh well, you thought. I can ask him another time.


Image by Telestai314 on DeviantART.

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