Vampire!OCs x Reader: Accused

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   The man with the unnatural black and white hair stared down at a young woman coming to the town he occupied. He was stationed up on a building, watching the road below as the young lady limped into the city limits. From this distance, he could tell she had (hair color) hair, (eye color) eyes, and (skin color/tone) skin. She was perfect.

    "Where is she?" asked the twin of the boy who spotted the girl.
   "In La Cama hotel," replied the young man, stretching. His green eyes sparkled with mischief as he watched his twin plan mentally. His brother's thumb and forefinger were gently stroking his chin while he sat in his favorite chair. "She's got some weird knee injury causing her to limp."
    "Alright, James, good job. Ready for some fun?" asked the more mature twin with the white hair and a black skull pattern. He stool up from his chair, dropping his hand from his face.
    "Definitely, Jack," replied the more childish twin with black hair and white skull pattern.

    "Hulloooo! Miss, whatcha doin' wondering around in a place like this?!"
    You looked up and spotted an old man with a balding head and a huge fluffy beard and mustache. He was quite short, but had large, kind eyes and a huge nose. He was locking the door to a store you assumed to be his.
    "My car broke down a mile or so out of town and I had to walk here," you explained. You were favoring your left leg, which the old man noticed.
    "Injured, missy?" he asked.
    "My kneecap doesn't tract right, and begins to hurt after long periods of walking," you informed him. He looked at you in confusion, then shrugged in acceptance.
    "I'd offer yuhs a stay at my place, but my wife and I only got one bedroom, 'n' the couch is very uncomfortable to sleep on. I c'n fer sure drive ya to the best hotel we got here, La Cama."
    You nodded gratefully, and thanked him sincerely.

    At the hotel, you had gotten a room on the 3rd floor. You had used the elevator to get to it, and searched along the corridors for room #320. When you finally found it, you inserted your room key and entered the room.
    Sighing in exhaustion, you fell down on one of the beds provided in the bedroom. You closed your eyes and rested for about 5 minutes before getting up.
    "Okay," you said to yourself. "I couldn't bring my suitcase with me, but at least I have my phone, charger, purse, and toiletries. In the morning I'll call a towtruck or something to get my car here."
    After finding a place to charge your phone and preparing to sleep, you laid down thankfully on the bed and drifted slowly away into dreamland.

   "Oh, hello Jack, James! You're out late. Anything I can do for you boys?" greeted the young lady at the registering desk in a friendly manner, waving shyly at the two handsome young adult boys.
    "Hello Elizabeth. We were hoping you could tell us the room number of our friend? She just came to town," said Jack in a smooth voice as he walked up to the desk.
    "I'm sorry, Jack. I'm not allowed to give away any information regarding customers. Surely you could call your friend and ask her yourself?"
    "Her phone died," said James, sneaking up next to his brother. "She texted us a while ago saying it was about to die, and never responded since."
    Elizabeth shook her hear. "I'm sorry about that, but I really can't-"
    "Ohhhh but I think you can," said Jack, his voice still smooth but also containing a hint of a deadly edge. He leaned over the counter to get his face closer to Elizabeth's. He grinned, and narrowed his eyes halfway. "I think you can, if your life depended on it."
    Elizabeth's eyes bulged in fear.

    Yawning, you stretched before crawling out of bed. You went to shower and brush your teeth, slightly annoyed with having to wear the exact same clothes from yesterday. You picked up your phone from it's charger in the kitchen, and Googled for nearby towtrucks. When you found one that looked cheap, you called them. The man who answered asked for your car's location and then your location. You gave them to him, and he told you they'd have your car to you in at least 3 hours, and would call you when they have. You thank him.
    "Now, for breakfast!" you declared to yourself. You picked up your purse and put on your boots. Heading out the door, you wondered what kind of restaraunts were around here.
    The elevator dinged, and you got off. The sight before you in the lobby startled and sickened you.
    There were police all over the main lobby, looking for clues by examining all objects, and had yellow police tape around the desk that you were registered at last night. You went up to one of the police officers, and asked her what happened.
    "You there, are you (First and last name)?" she asked. You nodded. "You are the only guest that has registered in this hotel in the last 3 days. The lady working last night was found dead this morning by another employee." Your jaw dropped and your eyes widened in shock. You glanced over at the desk and shuddered in fear.
    "Do you know what time? I got here about 10. A kind old man dropped me after locking his store-"
    "Sorry, miss (Last name), but firstly: I cannot give away that information to a suspect just yet," you opened you mouth in astonishment. "And secondly, ma'am, no old man runs a store in this town. The only old man who lives in this small city is retired."
    "But I swear, he was locking up a store at the east edge of town! He offered me a ride here because he and his wife had only one room..."
    "Sorry, but the man lives alone. In a large house on the west side of town."
    "But I swear-"
    The police officer put one of her hands on your shoulder. "Look, I'm sorry, but I can't believe that. Please stay here so we can interrogate you later, alright?"
    You nodded silently. "I need breakfast, though. And I called a towtruck company to bring my car. They'll be here sometime before 10."
    "Don't worry, we'll get you some breakfast. And what company did you call? I'll have them bring your car to the police station for you."
    You thanked her and told her the name of the company.

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