Romania x Reader: Do You Believe in Magic?

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Corrected formatting and spelling errors


    I'm friends with a very interesting person. Okay, maybe not friends so much as dating. But the point is: he's not normal.

    When most people say someone's "not normal," they mean that person acts in a way that is either socially unacceptable or on their own free will, not conforming to society's standards of fashion and enjoyment choices. I, however, mean "not normal" in a bigger way.

    I'm dating the personified country of Romania. He told me his human name was Vladimir, and that I could call him Vlad for short if I wanted to.

    Now, because he's literally the country of Romania in a human's body, he's different than most humans. For starters, he doesn't age, like all personified countries. As long as their country remains, they remain. If a country is a brand new, a small little kid will appear as that country's personification. As the little country grows into a strong nation, that little kid will grow as well.

    Secondly, Vlad has red eyes and one little fang that often gets stuck hanging over his bottom lip on his left side. I've managed to sneak a peak inside Vlad's mouth while he was napping to find that he actually has two fangs- one for each of his top canines. Why only one manages to stick out in an adorable way beats me.

    His reasoning for these traits is that because he's Romania, and Romania is where the birth of the vampire came from, it makes sense he has red eyes and a pair of fangs, like a vampire.

    Vlad also lives in a castle away from civilization. I wasn't too surprised he lived in a castle, and I actually was a little jealous! He told me he lived alone in the castle because most humans find the fact he's a country in human form frightening and weird, and so thus shun him, like all the other countries do of their personification. Of course, he would occasionally talk to the leader of Romania, and sometimes would go out to lead soldiers in battle. Sometimes he could blend in with the people in his country unnoticed. But mostly, he was alone.

    Vlad also is in a club, the Magic Club, with England and Norway. Every now and then he would meet up with them and "perform magic." Vlad had informed me England's human name was Arthur, and Norway's human name was Lukas.

    Vlad also had to regularly attend World Meetings with the rest of the personified countries.

    You may be wondering how and why I managed to fall in love with and date the country of Romania. It's because he's not only adorably attractive with his big soft red eyes and strawberry blonde hair, but he's also very sweet, kind and playful- yet a good hard worker -and friendly to pretty much everyone.

    He also uses "magic." Now, I've never been one to believe in magic. I thought it was cool and just something in fairy tales, books and movies. Well, Romania proved me wrong one day. Would you like to hear my tale of how I found out magic was real?

    Vlad had decided he wanted me to visit his country and his home- which, by the way, he had forgotten to mention was a castle. I had to find that out for myself.

    Vlad had bought me a plane ticket to Romania, and flew me out there. It took a while of convincing for me to agree though, as I not only dislike flying, but the thought of having to get an immunization to travel countries terrified me due to my enormous needle phobia.

    However, I couldn't say no to Vlad's adorable little puppy dog face. I eventually agreed, and he promised to come with me when I had to get the shots. He also flew with me back to his country. I thought is was sweet and a bit silly of him to fly all the way to me just to help me through a fear and then fly all the way back home. But, I'd be lying if I said I didn't enjoy it, even if it did make me feel a little guilty for troubling him like that. Whenever I apologized, he got upset and tried to make me see it was alright.

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