Italy x Raped!Reader: Safe Haven (Pt.3)

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Update Notes:

Corrected formatting, spelling errors and added missing translations


    "Where have you been?!" my mother yelled when I timidly entered the house behind the two officers. "Do you have any idea how worried sick we've been?! What is wrong with you?"

    My father put his hand on mom's shoulder, quieting her. She silenced herself as my dad came over to me and hugged me tightly.

    "Please don't run away ever again," my father whispered. "We love you, so much. Please don't scare us like that again."

    "What are the polizia doing here, Lovino?" asked a familiar voice from outside.

    "They probably brought (Name) home, idiota," replied another familiar voice. "Remember? Her mamma texted you saying the police had her."

    Soon two heads looked in, one with golden honey-brown eyes and another with olive yellow-green eyes.

    "(NAME)!!!" screeched Feli. He bolted indoors and hugged me tight, to my horror.

    "Waaaah! Let me go, let me go, let me go!" I screamed, panicking and trying desperately to escape the hug.

    "You idiota! You're scaring la ragazza! Quit using hug therapy on everybody!" Lovino thunked his brother on the head with his hand, making Feli release me.

    I turned and ran to my room, shutting and locking the door behind me. I did not plan on leaving.

    My chest heaving, I backed away from the door. I squeaked when my legs hit the bed frame, turning around in fright. Sighing in relief, I slowly sat.

    I pulled my phone out of my back pocket and turned it on. I saw about a hundred texts from my parents, Feli, his brother Lovino, and their friends Ludwig and Kiku. I opened all the conversations just to make the notifications go away, but had to stop and read the ones from Feliciano.

        Feliciano: Hey (Name), your mamma called me. She said you ran away from your therapist. Are you okay? Are you safe? Do you need Ludwig and I to pick you up?

        Feliciano: Fratello called me and said he just saw you by yourself in Taco Bell, and you freaked out then got kidnapped by a scary Russian!!!! Are you safe?? Please tell me you're safe!! Ludwig can also be scary so if you need saving I can bring him and we'll rescue you!!

        Feliciano: (Name) I know you haven't wanted to talk to me since a month or so ago and I'm sorry for whatever I've done to upset you but please forget what happened and text me back I'm worried about you!!

        Feliciano: I tried to call Ludwig but he and Gilbert are busy at work and can't leave but fratello promised to take me out looking after he gets off work.

        Feliciano: I just got text from your mamma that you've been found and I am so excited fratello and I are coming over!! I've missed you and have been so worried!!!

    I shut off my phone screen, closed my eyes and sighed while slowly laying back.

    "Now I feel bad for ignoring him for so long," I whisper, fighting the urge to cry in guilt and happiness that someone could worry and care so much for me, even after my being a jerk and ignoring him.

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