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We've all had meltdowns.

And with them is a sick feeling that never goes away. Never disappears. Will always leave a mark.

A mark in our souls, our hearts, and our complete human existence.
It's always the same stupid things. You know your too old to be breaking down in public, you know how stupid you look, you feel like you have to act like this person to please society itself. But the truth is......I'm nine years old. I'm still a kid.

It's impossible. Everybody expects you to be the definition of perfect that you know you can't be. Everyone in this whole world knows- you can't keep living with all of these hatred emotions inside of you.....bubbling up and constantly thriving on all of the secrets you've held, the agony, the 'I'm fines', the feeling that your not pretty, your not perfect, your worthless. Constantly eating it up....growing until you have to let it all out. You can't hold it anymore.
The truth is.....
Not many people realize this.
And they only know what's in the outside of Hayley Noel Leblanc.

Not what hides within.

What About Me?|| Hayley LeblancWhere stories live. Discover now