Chapter 2 | Noble Squire

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With careful precision, the young princess sat the bowl of nachos on the floor, and sat down in front of them, waiting for her best friend's return. She was sure they would lure him back. Who doesn't love Marco's Super Awesome Nachos? Pretty sure Marco himself was a big fan of his cooking.

Star Butterfly let out a sigh, her bangs moving slightly. She couldn't fathom why Marco would leave so long, and why he couldn't even say goodbye. She thought they were best friends. Best friends tell each other what's going on in their lives, and ever since Marco came to stay with her on Mewni, he hasn't been acting the same. Was she too harsh to appoint him as a squire? Was it too much of her to expect him to tend to her every need? After all, she did it so she could make time in her busy schedule to do silly things like they used to together. Maybe he didn't see it that way.

She let out a disgruntled groan. Why did she care so much? She had bigger, more important things to worry about. She had Tom, that she felt like she had been neglecting. She loved him, or at least she thought she did. She didn't know what to think or feel anymore. Her mind was clogged with second thoughts. But, Marco was important to her. So, so important.

Minutes passed, which soon turned to hours, and Star couldn't keep herself awake any longer. Her eyes began to shut, until she was fast asleep. She subconsciously hoped that Marco would be there. Back in her presence.


The ship was fast approaching the swirling vortex of a portal in the middle of the ocean. It's bunny passengers were freaking out, frantically screaming and calling for help. The ship was filling with water, and pretty soon it would go the way of the Titanic.

Suddenly, a rope appeared, and lassoed the bunny pirates, pulling them towards the back of the ship at the end of this rope was Marco Diaz, who was working with Hekapoo to close rouge portals once again.

"I can't... hold on... much... longer..." Marco moaned, as his muscles were beginning to become shaky. With one strong pull, he pulled the bunny pirates to safety, as Hekapoo swooped in to the bow of the ship. She used her own dimensional knife and shut the portal. The oceans of the bunny pirate dimension were calm once again.

The ship stopped pulling downwards, which caused Marco to fall back. The bunny pirates looked at him for a split second, then ran towards him and covered him with hugs.

"This young man is now an honorary pirate! Please, mateys, treat him well," the Captain Bunny said, thrusting his sword in the air.

The boy giggled as the bunnies' soft fur tickled his face. He didn't realize how much he liked cute things, like laser puppies... that Star Butterfly made. Oh gosh, it was happening again. Star was infecting his mind.

A hand appeared in front of his face, and it took him a minute to realize what it was trying to do. His eyes wandered into Hekapoo's red and yellow eyes, who were staring right back at him. He grabbed her hand and she hoisted him from the pile of bunnies. She was surprisingly strong.

"You were amazing back there," Hekapoo said as Marco began to dust himself off, "We make a pretty good team."

The boy's eyes widened at that last declaration. A pretty good team... Star was slowly creeping her way back into Marco's deepest thoughts.

His mind flashed images of when they fought the notorious lint monster. How they were so in sync, and how they knew exactly what to do to defeat it.

His mind then flashed all the way to their first day knowing each other. The days when Ludo was after Star's wand, and how they defeated his army of monsters, just Marco and his best friend Star... who were a pretty good team.

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