Chapter 14 | Fear the Dance

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"I, Ruberiot, take you, Fool Duke, for my lawful wife, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and health, until death do us part," Ruberiot declared as he looked into his partner's eyes lovingly.

"I, Fool Duke, take you, Ruberiot, for my lawful husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and health, until death do us part," Fool Duke replied as she started to cry tears of joy, looking up at her new husband with a gleaming smile.

Marco looked on from his seat as the wedding ceremony was coming to a close.  Star and him had been invited to the wedding because of their close friendship to the couple, and the boy could honestly say he'd never expected them to get together, especially with how much they seemed to hate each other. But, if Ruberiot and Fool Duke were able to do it, then maybe Star and him had a chance. 

They were still a long way off from ever considering marriage, but he couldn't get the wedding vows out of his head.

For better, for worse and in sickness and heath. The words marinated in the boy's mind.

When you date someone, everything is supposed to be better off and you're supposed to be perfect for them.  Why would they talk about being worse in a marriage vow?  Shouldn't everything be about being the very best for that person and working to never make a mistake? He had attended weddings before and had heard all sorts of vows, but now that he was with Star, everything he heard and saw gave him a different perspective on his life and his relationship.

Marco's attention was brought back to reality as he saw the Mime mimicking two people kissing with her hands. Ruberiot and Fool Duke held each other in a warm embrace, and brought their lips together for an equally passionate kiss.

"Mozel Tov!" Star cried out as she stood up from her seat.

  Everyone in the audience stood up and applauded for the kissing couple, but Marco's thoughts were once again racing. The kiss that they shared was so passionate, and he grew even more apprehensive of the thought of Star wanting to kiss like that. What if he totally screwed up and she laughed at him? Or even worse, wanted to break up? It made him even more fearful.

Cheers from the crowd brought the daydreaming boy back into reality as the newly wedded couple ended their kiss and faced their audience. "There will be a catered buffet and an after party hosted by yours truly," the couple announced in unison.  They then proceeded to walk off down the aisle hand in hand, and headed towards where the reception was being held.

"Wow Marco, that was one of the greatest weddings I've ever been to," Star said as she turned to look at her boyfriend. "And I've been to a lot of weddings growing up."

The princess was wearing a mint green dress that hung down to just right above her feet.  It had two small straps that barely covered her shoulders, and the neckline met at a small white bone that hung just below the bottom of Star's neck.  There was a dark green belt around the middle of the dress that tightly wrapped around her thin waist, and there was a large dinosaur on the bottom of the skirt in that same dark green color. She also had simple mint green pearl earrings in each ear, and flat pink shoes on her feet.

"I will definitely say it was an unique wedding," Marco replied as he tried to remember what had actually happened in the ceremony.  His mind had been racing so much that he'd actually followed very little of the ceremony. He was even scared that Star might ask more questions about it.

Luckily, Marco caught a break as Star instantly changed the subject.  "What do you want to do now Marco?  Do you want to wait here for a bit, or go get food right away, or we could go to the ceremony and not get food right away?" she asked as she quickly rattled off all of the available possibilities.  With their last public date ending in them staying at home, Star knew how important this first public date with Marco was. She had waited for so long to have a chance with Marco, and now that they were actually on dates, Star was going to go out of her way to make sure that nothing went wrong.

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