Chapter 7 | Hard Feelings

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"I don't think I can do this."

"Come on, Starship. Don't you remember what I told you that night?"

Star Butterfly nervously ran her fingers through her hair as she talked into her mirror phone. The burning sensation that built up in her guts was becoming harder to ignore, and time was fastly disintegrating. She had to tell Marco how she felt, but the thought of doing so felt so alien to her. For a little over a year, the boy was nothing more than her friend. Her partner in crime. Her roomate. The thought of this shift in feelings scared her, so she went to her ex demon boyfriend Tom for advice.

"I know you said that stuff about 'testing the waters', but what if that water is too deep," the princess whimpered.

Tom chuckled, taking a bite of his burrito. The worrying Star was slightly amusing to him. "Well, you could at least say that you told him. Still, I'm sure you will be just fine."

"I don't know, Tom. I just don't know. He never seemed interested in me before. Why now?"

"The mind can do crazy things, Starship."

Their conversation was interrupted by a chorus of 'globgores', followed by the sound of footsteps beating into the floor. Glossaryck came shooting in, followed by a disheveled Marco, who had twigs caught in his hair. He was also holding a leash, and his breathing was heavy.

"I love you too, Tommy! I can't wait to see you tonight!"

"Uhhh, you too, Starship-"

Star quickly ran over and closed the satin curtains, rubbing the back of her head as Marco walked over. He panted, placing his hands on his knees in exhaustion. "Hey Star, I just got back from walking Glossaryck. He dragged me through the woods so I think I did an okay job."

Star smiled as she sat on the bed, and a tired Glossy-dog jumped in her lap and was soon fast asleep, she gave his head a pat as she looked up at her squire. "Thanks Marco."

"Yeah, Star. So.... anything else you need me to do? I kinda owe you... since I ran away and stuff." He gave her a nervous look, and Star just shook her head.

"No, Marco. I think you did enough today. You look tired. I think you should get some rest."

Marco felt his heart flutter at her caring remark. This was such a radical difference from the cold, nonchalant Star that he had become accustomed to during his first days on Mewni. "Thanks, Star, but no thanks. I have a thing with Tom today soon."

"A thing?"

"A thing."

"What kind... of thing?" The princess blinked. Oh, if this is about Marco and I, I will kill that demon, she thought to herself.

The boy pulled a twig that was tangled in his locks out, then flattened and fixed his hair as he replied, "I'm not sure really? He said it was important, so I better go. You know how Tom gets when he's angry."

"Oh." She paused. "Have fun. Uh, I'm surprised he's not avoiding you after that whole birthday party fiasco. Have you two made up?"

"I guess so...? I'm kinda confused to as to what he wants." Before Star could respond, Marco was already at the door, he turned his head to face her. "Anyway, I'll see you soon Star. I'll organize your ship-in-a-bottles for you later if you want!"

"Bye Marco, have fun!"

The door softly closed, and Star's smiled drooped. That gut feeling was back; she knew what they were going to talk about deep down. It scared her, but why was she afraid? This was her best friend she was talking about. She could tell him anything in the entire world...and he would be okay with it, but one thing was uncertain: Would these new feelings ruin it?

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