Chapter 15

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Kaitlyn's POV

Sophia took us to her back yard and say us down at the picnic table.
"First, Kaitlyn where were you last night" Sophia asked.
"Um... uh.. I was um... in Jaeden's room" I say blushing. Sophia smiled widely.
"YOU LIKE HIM" She screams.
"Shhh" I say making sure no one heard.
"What about this morning"
"I kind of slept in his bed last night and this morning we might've kissed" I say feeling my face heat up at those words.
She screams and both Jadda and I eyes widen. She finally collects herself after a moment.
"So Jadda do you like Wyatt"
Jadda's eyes go wide and starts to blush as I did when she asked me about Jaeden.
"Um... yea" She whispers the last part. Sophia squeals. "Y'all would be so cute."
"So Sophia you and Finn" I ask raising an eyebrow. "Gross. We're basically siblings " She says making a disgusted face. "Then who Jack" I said half jokingly. She starts blushing hard. "Omg, you like Jack" I said shocked. She nods her head blushing harder. "Now that We have just spilt our secrets out, I think it's time to go in" Jadda says laughing. Sophia and I agree,then we made out way inside. The boys were arguing over something.
"Oh you're finally back" Wyatt says causing the boys to silent down.
"We weren't gone that long" Jadda say rolling her eyes.
"10 minutes is a long time" Finn says putting his hand on his hips like a mother. We just laugh at him. We then go to the kitchen to eat the breakfast Sophia made for us all. It was eggs, bacon, sausage, and pancakes. I just got a little eggs, bacon, and 2 pancakes. After everyone got their plate of food, we went into conversation of random stuff. Like the time Finn cut his chin on a desk while trying to do a cartwheel. Now that was hilarious, just imagining a little Finn cutting his chin on a stupid desk cause he wanted to try and do a cartwheel. During the conversations I would see Jaeden staring at me and I would blush furiously, some how no one but him noticed.
"So what are we doing today" Jaeden ask everyone. We all shrugged.
"How about we go to the park" Wyatt suggested shrugging his shoulders have heartedly.
"It's still early no one would be there" Finn added. We all looked at each other and nodded our head.
"Sounds good" I say smiling.
We then continue to talk about whatever, but I was only focussing on the question in my head. What does this mean for me and Jaeden?
There will be more chapters today.

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