Coming to Camp

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I've never written an X Reader before.... sorry this story is gonna suck.





I sighed, staring out the window on the bus, my f/c backpack on my lap and suitcase by my side. I was on my way to camp. A summer, sleep away, camp. Great. I normally have a great attitude to most things, but I could not think of one good thing about staying three months at Camp Campbell.

The bus suddenly stopped, causing me to slam my head on the seat in front of me. "Aww, fuck," I swore, rubbing the soon-to-be bruise. I got up and swung my backpack over my back, and picked up my suitcase. Taking a deep breath, I walked off the bus- desperately trying to ignore the creepy hook-handed bus driver.

I looked around the camp, it didn't look like anything special- not extremely shitty, but not amazing either. A red-headed man with green eyes and a camp uniform on came up to me saying, "Welcome to camp! You must be Y/n! I'm David, a camp counselor, my co-counselor is inside, her name is Gwen, and this here is Max!" He exclaimed, pointing to the kid next to him.

He was wearing a yellow t-shirt under a blue hoodie, with jeans and sneakers. He had dark brown almost black hair and green eyes with tan-ish skin.

"Sup, fucker." He said, eyeing me up and down.

I laughed and said hello, to the swearing fourteen-year-old. I'm old enough to not let swearing offend me.

Max looked surprised at my reaction, then (when he noticed I was looking) his expression turned to anger. I smirked, "Dude, I grew up in New York City, you think swearing and a bad attitude is gonna scare me? Hah! You should meet my family."

Now, Max looked like he was about to scream, but before he could do anything- David interrupted. "Ok, camper! Now that you know Max lets get you to your cabin! Now let's see..." He trails off, his eyes scanning his clipboard. "Aha! You will be sleeping in tent 8, with Nikki!" Ok, didn't expect a roomie, but I can roll with that.

"Alright." I shrugged, "Bye Max. " I waved, but Max had already left. Turning back to David I said, "You know, this camp doesn't look half bad, David. "

There was a twinkle in his eyes when he looked down at me, "I think I'm gonna like you, Y/n. " David smiles and leads me to my tent where I find a mint haired girl, with pink eyes and red overalls with the same yellow t-shirt that Max had underneath her overalls.

"Are you Nikki?" I asked, as David left the tent.

The girl smiled at me, "The one and only, and you are....?" She paused.

"Oh, I'm Y/n. " I smiled, "I'm your roommate. " Nikki's smile did something I didn't think it could, it got wider. "That's so cool! I've always wanted a big sister! Will you be my big sister?" She asked with puppy eyes.

How could I say no? "Sure, little sis. " I laughed as she hugged me- then I realized I couldn't breathe. "Let... Go... Can't... Breathe..." I groaned.

Nikki let go and I have never been more happy to breathe in my life. "Okay, big sis, you're gonna come meet my friends!" Nikki grabbed my hand before I could even agree to go, and pulled me outside. I laughed as she pulled me into the mess hall.

When she opened the doors, the first thing that I was another counselor whom I assumed was Gwen- throwing forks at the ceiling fan with a kid strapped to it. Gwen was screaming "Motherfucker!" And other kids were scattered around the room doing other random shit, but I was too busy laughing to notice. Soon, Nikki and I were rolling on the floor and hugging our stomachs because we were laughing so hard.

Soulmates Max X Reader- Camp CampWhere stories live. Discover now