Getting My Girlfriend Back

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Get ready to cry.


Max's POV


I heard footsteps right outside the door, someone had listened into David and mine's conversation... I widen my eyes and bursted through the door, only to see a flash of Y/n turning a sharp corner trying heading to the woods.

David came over to the door, "Who heard?" He asked quietly.

I gulped, "Y/n." I confessed.

If Y/n heard us talking, than so did Daniel, if my theory was correct. I ran in the direction Y/n did, as soon as I turned the corner, I froze, David running into me. The sight in front of me was heartbreaking. Worse than the night I saw Y/n crying... I never thought I would say that. 

Daniel was standing about three feet in front of me, holding Y/n in front of him- a knife against her throat. Y/n has clearly been crying, and had bleeding cuts on her arms and throat. 

My blood boiled. No one hurts my Y/n. Y/n doesn't deserve to be hurt, she's a good person. She's the only one I have, the only one that likes me-for me. The world always shits on the good people- and I'm sick of it.

David slowly reached out his hand, "Now, there Daniel. No need to be hasty. We are here to help." He soothed. For a moment, Daniel hesitated, and brought the knife farther from Y/n's face, but then his expression became stone cold, and he pressed the knife up against Y/n's skin.

Y/n's eyes became red, and tears started to weld up again, Y/n croaked out, "D-Don't come c-c-closer, Max. He'll hurt you." She warned.

Daniel took the knife away from her throat, and instead cut her arm, only because she had spoken. He then brought it back up to her throat, and puller her closer. "I'll kill her if you take another step forward." Daniel pressed.

I didn't know what to do, I was stuck. 

David couldn't help me.

I was alone.

There was nothing I could do.


Daniel fell sideways, to the ground unconscious, and Y/n fell on her hands and knee's revealing a huffing and puffing Gwen behind her, holding a frying pan.

Gwen had snuck up on Daniel and hit him over the head with a frying pan.


I ran to Y/n, and picked up her small limp body, carrying her to David's cabin. I didn't care if I got blood on myself, or if the campers saw. Y/n started to bawl into my shoulder- it was worse than when her parents had passed... Y/n might need mental therapy.

David and Gwen ran after me, and opened the door to the cabin, I gently placed Y/n onto David's bed as he and Gwen scrambled around for medical supplies. Well, Gwen was looking for her phone to call 911, but I guess that still counts. 

Eventually, Y/n was brought to the hospital, and Daniel was taken to jail. 

After that, David and I stayed in the waiting room for about three hours. Gwen had to go take care of the campers. David was obviously stressed, he was sitting in his chair with his elbows resting on his knees and his face resting in his hands. It was quiet most of the time, but David spoke, "Thank you, Max. You saved her."

I shook my head, "I didn't save her. I wasn't able to move when Daniel was holding her, Gwen saved her. You should thank Gwen."  I confessed. Honestly this felt kind of awkward. I never thought I would be this close to David... Kind of sad. 

David chuckled sadly, " No, Max. You were the one that figured out what was going on. Gwen didn't notice anything- she just saw what was going on, and acted on her instincts. You knew what happened to Y/n... I couldn't even figure it out, Max. I'm supposed to be her father. How can I be her father if I can't even tell what's wrong with her?" He asked.

I was taken back, I had no idea what to say. I've been trying to break David for so many years, and when he finally did break out of his happy demeanor, it's not even because of me, it's because he couldn't do something. I sighed, "David... you always try to do the best in everything, sometimes you just... can't. Sometimes you can't do anything but try, and you tried. You and I both asked Y/n multiple times what was wrong, and it's not your fault that she didn't tell, and it's not her fault that she didn't tell. No one saved her but Gwen. I only figured out what was going on." I told him.

David smiled at me, "I never thought I would see the day when Max turned into a softie."

I frowned, "I'm not a softie." I grumbled.

David was about to retort when a nurse interrupted, "You may see Y/n now, she just woke up, so be gentle." David and I thanked her and asked the nurse where Y/n is, she answered "Just down the hall to the right- room A 54."

David and I both sprinted down the hallway, stopping once we got to the room. I glanced back at David for the 'ok' to go in, and he nodded. 

I slowly opened the door, as the beeps of the heart monitors became louder and louder- I stepped in. There were two small empty chairs in a corner and a bed in another corner. Y/n was in that bed.

She opened her eyes slightly and I jogged to get over by her side. Every cut she had was now bandaged up. David took Y/n's hand and I'm pretty sure we both had to hold back tears when she spoke.

Y/n smiled, and said, "There are my two favorite guys." She chuckled- but apparently it hurt because she winced right after.

"Y/n... I'm so sorry... This shouldn't  have happened... not to you." David choked out. 

Y/n sighed and gave David a sad smile, "It's not your fault dad, I promise. It's my fault. I was like a white teenager in a horror movie, I walked through the woods at like 3:30 a.m... I'm the sorry one dad, this is my fault. I hurt you, and Max, and Gwen..." Her voice became small, "I'm sorry, dad, Max."

David was going to say something, but cut him off, "No, Y/n, stop. This, none of this," I paused, gesturing to the hospital room. "Is your fault. This is all Daniel's fault, we can't blame this on each other."

Y/n smirked, "I guess your right. Oh, and by the way, dad. The doctor said I should get out of here in about three days." She tells David.

Three days it is.




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