2.) Waking Up Next To You (Mukami + Tsukinami)

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Feeling a warmth on his chest, his blue-grey's opened to find you asleep on his chest. His arms were wrapped around you and a book lay on the bed beside the both of you. Ruki smiled to himself when he saw the book as he admired how quiet and fragile you were while asleep. One of the pages was bent and he frowned momentarily. By him stroking your hair softly, you began to wake up.

"Livestock," he hummed, gently moving you off him. "If you were cold throughout the night, you should have woken me. I would have gotten you a blanket."

You opened your eyes and blinked slowly up at him, confused at why he was moving you away. "I don't want my livestock becoming sick." he went on, fixing his clothes. You stopped him, moving back onto him and reaching up and brushing his messy morning-hair through gently with your fingers. His hand reached up and clasped your wrist, bringing it to his lips.

Staring at each other silently, the sunlight began to creep into the room. Ruki left a trail of kisses on your wrist before he quickly bit into it, taking as much time as he needed to make sure it was painful enough that it would leave a mark. Pulling away, he licked up the remaining mess. "That was for ruining a page in my book. Be more careful."

He found himself gripping onto you, holding you tightly against him. He guessed he had another bad dream. He took a deep breath, letting himself calm and he slowly let go. He took a moment to watch you silently dream, your slumber seemingly unaffected by his touch. Your skin, however, was a different story. He saw his aggressiveness had left an imprint of his fingers on your wrist.

Regretfully he pulled you back into him, hugging you close. You slowly shifted and opened your eyes. Surprised at his closeness, you wrap your arms around him and hug him back. You felt the mark on your wrist but it wasn't significantly painful. You pull away and pecked his cheek to let him know you were okay.

"I hope you had a nice sleep, Little-Maso-Kitty," he said, inspecting your wrist again.

You nodded. "I did, Kou. Thank you." You kissed his other cheek and he smiled. "I'm all right." You assured him. He ruffled your hair and got out of bed, putting on a shirt and fixing his own hair. "To make it up to you, I'll cook you breakfast. What would you like? I'll make anything."

Opening one eye slowly, he yawned loudly. His rough possessive grasp onto your waist softened slightly. You were at his side and he had one arm around you, holding you close, and the other underneath his head, supporting him. He stared down at you, unsure whether to rouse you or not - he thought you looked so cute, yet he didn't dare disturb you. Until --

"Sow. Oi, time to wake up." he finally called.

He slid his arm out from underneath you and prompt himself up onto it, gazing down at you. The moment your eyes fluttered open, Yuma's lips were on yours. He kisses you roughly, catching you off guard. Pulling away, he chuckles at your expression. "Don't look so surprised, sow. I've done rougher things with you than that." he reminds you.

You don't know how to respond so he leans over, picking up two sugar cubes from the bowl on his side-table. He stares back down at you, uses his thumb to open your mouth and then pushes one cube into your mouth. He places the other into his mouth and begins chewing. "Hurry up and finish - For once, I'm more hungry for breakfast than sugar cubes."

The bright morning sunlight blinded him as he slowly woke up. Upon seeing your sleeping face next to him, Azusa smiles softly, reaching over and brushing the hair from your eyes. He couldn't believe how undeniably beautiful you were - even when sleeping. He sat up quietly. Your own eyes opened shortly after his purple ones did.

"Good morning... Eve." he greeted, smiling admirably at you.

You didn't hesitate to smile back at him. "Good morning, Azusa." You lift yourself up, sitting next to him before rubbing your eyes softly. He watches you for another few moments before glancing to the window, his vision becoming blinded again by the sunlight.

Getting up, you close the curtains and then climb back onto the bed. "Better?" you asked, getting a nod in response. Azusa holds out his arms and you gently crawl into his embrace. He holds you close to him and you both lay down once more. "Stay here with... me. I want... to relax with you... Eve."

It was your warm touch that woke him from his sleep. Surprised by how warm you actually were, he couldn't help but hold your hand as you slept. His bright eyes searched your face with intrigue, wondering if you actually felt safe with him or not - especially while sleeping. Your cute, calm expression gave him his answer.

The room felt hotter than usual and your presence made Carla feel some kind of peace. He leaned down to your neck and softly kissed it in an attempt to gently wake you up. It worked... slightly. You moved over into him but immediately fell asleep again. He smirked a little at how stubborn you were but he wasn't going to give up. He kissed your lips roughly and this time you kissed back, opening your eyes to meet his gold ones.

"And so sleeping beauty decides to rise." he comments earning a little smile from you.

You reached up, cupping his face in your hand, taking a long look at his gorgeous eyes. You wished to see these eyes every time you woke up and to touch his face gently when you saw him. You noticed he was still holding your hand. "May I have my hand back? It appears you may have taken it." you questioned. He cracks a smile and mocks you, "May I have my heart back? It appears you may have stolen it."

You were so silent, head on his chest, your breathing calm and steady. He didn't mind that you used him as a pillow - in fact, he kind of enjoyed it. You kept him warm at night so it was a win-win situation. Shin had one arm on your lower back and the other underneath his head as he stared up at the ceiling, thinking about the day ahead.

He looked over to you after a long time of silence and nudged you, aiming to wake you up. You didn't budge. He tried again. Still nothing. Getting kind of annoyed, he flicked your earlobe. You open one eye, reaching up and holding your ear. You glared at him slightly.

"'Bout time you woke up. I tried three times." he said, earning a roll of the eyes from you.

Still holding your ear, you look away from him, fully awake. Shin, kind of guilty, kisses your forehead. "I didn't mean to hurt you, I just wanted to wake you up. Don't be such a baby." You sigh and flick his earlobe as payback. "You're so selfish." you complain, but laugh at the end. He goes to nip and your hand but he misses you. "You're lucky I'm still kind of sleepy... otherwise you're blood would be my breakfast."

Golden eyes searched the room. Not for something, but someone. Finally spotting you, arms around your pillow and breathing heavy, he reached over and brushed your hair gently out of your eyes. Karl smiled to himself, admiring how innocent and beautiful you looked. He wondered what kind of dreams you were having and he secretly hoped he was in it.

Your breathing hitched slightly as he touched your hair and your eyes fluttered open to meet his. A smile crept onto your face and you lifted your head to see him better. You held out your hand and he took it gently, bringing it to his lips and placing multiple kisses on the back of it.

"Good morning, love." he crooned to you, rubbing the back of your hand with his thumb lovingly.

Still slightly sleepy, you hummed in response causing him to chuckle at how adorable you were. You moved closer to him, laying against his chest, staring up at him. "Can we stay here for a little longer?" you asked sheepishly, a light blush on your cheeks. He smiled and kissed your cheek. "Of course we can. Stay close to me though, I want to be able to look into your eyes whenever I desire."

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