24.) You Fall Pregnant and Discuss a Serious Topic. . . (Mukami + Tsukinami)

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~Slight Trigger Warning? This scenario talks about abortion and I just wanted to warn anyone who has or is currently experiencing problems with this topic. They only reason it is discussed is because this is 'Boyfriend Scenarios' and I'm sure not being married to your DiaLover (and being young bc. . . come on, they are like 17-19 so I'm pretty sure y'all are the same age or younger. . .) would pose a pretty tough situation if you were to fall pregnant. These scenarios are not in any order too so this doesn't come straight after the last scenario necessarily. It's all up to you!~

"Don't even suggest about such an unnecessary thing. You're overthinking the situation."

Ruki was cradling you against his chest as you searched for at least some kind of comfort in his words. Although, all you found was harsh one-sided orders from him as he claimed you were pathetic and cowardly to suddenly back out of such an honourable thing as birthing his child. He was totally against the idea of you aborting his first child, and you knew he would possibly kill you before you even got the chance to go any further with that plan.

Despite how loud you yelled at him, he wouldn't give in and refused to listen to your side of the story. He finally understood how serious you where when you eventually locked yourself in your bedroom. Failing to coax you from your room, Ruki finally snapped, forcing down the door and punishing you for being so immature and nonsensical.

"If you're serious about aborting this child, you're going to have to escape me to do so. But know, I will fetch you should you try. A livestock should always return to its master." He had you pressed against the wall, one hand on your waist and the other lifting your chin gently, forcing you to maintain eye-contact. "That look in your eyes. . . Fear. Really, you're hopeless. Even if you scream or cry, there's no one who'll come and save you. You only have me. There will be nothing but despair for you should you try and escape." His deep grey-blue eyes pierced through you, seeing every inch of your soul and savouring that moment.

"I'll run away. I will! Why should I have to stay here if you're not going to support my choices?" Ruki let out a deep chuckle at your brave words. "Why? Because your love for me is so strong it has blinded you to the outside world and clouded your better judgement." His hands leave your body so slowly it gave you shivers, and he calmly moved away to the doorway. "You're so sadistic!" You screamed. A mischievous smirk played on his lips.

"You can scream as loud as you want but I won't accept it. It's already too late to back out now as you're already mine and you will do what I ask of you. I won't lose you or this child, understand? That is why you are to put away this nonsense of abortion."

"Ah, sorry. It hurts? Don't worry, I'll make you feel good in just a bit. Okay? Forgive me."

Kou was pinning you to the bed sheets as he zoned in on a spot to officially bite, all-while making small cuts up and down your flesh accidently as his fangs were dragged along your skin. You hadn't told him you were pregnant and you weren't planning to, hoping to abort the child and continue on as if nothing happened, avoiding the emotional trauma of Kou by keeping it a secret. When he bit into your arm, however, he immediately sensed something.

He described the taste of your blood as slightly tangy. It wasn't sweet like usual and he wondered what could have happened to change it. He was so confused. . . it was like both his blood and yours combined. . . almost like that of a child of yours. And then it clicked. He interrogated you on the subject and, knowing he'd find out eventually. . . you broke.

"Why didn't you tell me before? This is great." Kou cheered, gazing at your stomach, his hand holding tightly onto yours. "Kou. . . I don't want. . . to have this child." You explained, going over your reasons with him gently in hopes he would be as calm as possible with your thoughts. He wasn't. "No. You're my property therefore you have to do as I say and only look at me. You are to have our child, understand? You are to also desire me more and more. You've already sealed your fate with me by baring our child. Are you happy?" You stayed silent. No, you weren't, but you couldn't bring yourself to say it.

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