Special Chapter - Q&A #1

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~Someone messaged me a question the other day, asking for each of the brother's reactions to a certain question - just like a Q&A layout. That is what made me want to include this special chapter. If you have an questions you'd like them to all answer, comment them or message me and I'll be sure to take your request into consideration. Thank you~

"Diaboys, if you were to get married to your perfect person, what kind of a ring would you get them?"


Reiji: "Laito, you answer first."
Laito: "Well, I'd get my perfect lady something shiny and expensive. It would prove my love for them so, every time they saw it, they'd remember me~"
Shuu: "Prove your love by buying things for them? That's not true love, Laito."
Laito: "Maybe not in your eyes. My Little-Bitch would think it is~"
Subaru: "Getting married is a waste of time. Why even bother?"
Reiji: "If you're not going to consider an answer to this question, I suggest you stay quiet, Subaru, and be respectful, something I'm sure will be a new skill for you."
Subaru: "Get off your little throne, Reiji. You don't run this place."
Reiji: "Actually, I do. I seem to be the only one doing anything for this family since good-for-nothing would rather sleep all day than contribute to anything we participate in."
Subaru: "I'll do something for this family then. I'll kick your ass, how does that sound?"
Kino: "Quiet down! It's hard enough to concentrate without you two alerting the police to domestic violence."
Shuu: "Yes, please tone it down, Subaru."
Subaru: "Why the hell are you taking their side?"
Kino: "He was just getting you to calm down, little-brother."
Subaru: "Don't 'little brother' me!"
Kanato: "You don't want to answer, Subaru, so please keep your mouth shut before I have to sew it that way."
Subaru: Who said I didn't want to answer?"
Ayato: "Shut it. Let someone else talk for once. Kanato, hurry up and answer."
Kanato: "I'd buy my doll something pretty. Diamonds, amethyst, silver. Something along those lines. What do you think, Teddy?"
Ayato: "Hm. Well, my fiancé would have the biggest, most expensive and amazing ring possible. Everything she would ever want in a ring would be what I'd get for her. To make sure she knew she belongs to me, of course."
Reiji: "You'd never be able to afford something like that."
Ayato: "No one said it had to be what I'd realistically give them."
Kanato: "Real or not, I want my fiancé to admire it and know that, because she has that ring, she can never leave my side."
Laito: "See Shuu? You can buy love~"
Subaru: "You're full of shit."
Reiji: "I thought I asked you to stay quiet, Subaru."
Subaru: "Oh, fuck off."
Kanato: "What would you buy, Reiji?"
Reiji: "The girl I'd marry would be modest enough to not expect a ring. My love would go beyond the stereotypical 'gift-giving' everyone idolises. No item would define our feelings."
Subaru: "At least I'd give something. Yet not something exaggerated like Ayato's."
Ayato: "Oi! Shut up or answer the question, moron."
Subaru: "You wanna know my answer? Fine. A silver band – plain and nothing special. I don't need a ring to prove to a girl that I like her but at least I went to the effort."
Kanato: "I agree, Teddy. Not exactly a Romeo. . ."
Kino: "I've been searching Google for some nice rings. So far, I can't choose. My answer is that I'd just combine all the designs together. It's not too much or too little. It's perfect. By the way, your wi-fi here sucks. . ."
Reiji: "You're always on your smartphone, Kino. This is why you aren't invited here often."
Ayato: "And also, we don't like you."
Kino: "How can you not like me? I'm the perfect son."
Shuu: "Hah. That's a laugh."
Laito: "Nfufufu~ Calm down, everyone. So, Shuu? What about you, Mr. True Love?"
Shuu: "Subaru had the right idea. Simple. So, I'd get my future wife a yellow stoned ring. She'd know I have feelings for her even without me having to give her the ring."
Ayato: "Just not give a ring at all then, like Reiji. If you don't buy anything, you don't even seem like you care. It's so pathetic."
Reiji: "Speak for yourself. Money isn't what creates happiness in a relationship."
Laito: "I guess this is just another reason why we're all so different – never agreeing on anything. No wonder we can't get along."


Ruki: "There is a lot to consider when getting married, not just the ring."
Kou: "We're not planning your wedding just yet, Ruki. Just answer the question."
Ruki: "I've never really considered this. I have to think about it a little more."
Yuma: "Geez, all right then Mr. Perfect."
Azusa: "Personally. . . I'd want to take my Eve. . . out shopping. To pick what ring. . . she likes best. If she is happy then. . . I'm happy."
Kou: "Naw, that's so cute, Azusa~"
Yuma: "Let me guess, you'd go for somethin' shiny with that 'wow' factor, right? Bein' an idol and everythin'?"
Kou: "Naturally. My fiancé would be spoiled with the best ring I can find. The box is important too – image is everything and I want it all to reflect my love for her~"
Azusa: "She'd be. . . extremely lucky to marry. . . an idol like you."
Ruki: "Indeed. That is rather nice and mature of you to consider. I'm surprised there isn't any catch to it."
Kou: "Well, now that you mention it. They'd have to buy a ring for me that is even better, of course. Give and take, remember?"
Ruki: "I spoke too soon, I see. What would you say, Yuma?"
Yuma: "No ring."
Azusa: "What? None. . .?"
Yuma: "Nah, she'd probably lose it with all the fun we'd have~"
Ruki: "Gardening wise, I assume."
Yuma: "Hah. Well. . . What do you think?"
Kou: "Hehe~ That's the spirit, Yuma."
Yuma: "You should do the same, Ruki. If you'd like some more advice; I'd say if your fiancé doesn't seem to understand the logic behind no ring, give her an example of the kind of things you might get up to for her to lose it. I'm sure she'll come around soon enough~"
Ruki: "I'd rather show affection in my own ways. I think it'd settle on giving her something beautiful but small. Blue stoned, silver – something admirable yet not too over-the-top."
Azusa: "I like the. . . idea."
Kou: "Now all that's left to do is to find some girls to marry. Whaddya say, guys~?"


Carla: "Hm. Fascinating question."
Shin: "Dunno about you guys, but I'd get her something breathtaking. Something to sweep her off her feet and make her feel that I'm the only one that truly loves her."
Richter: "Oh, interesting. Not a dog collar like I expected then."
Shin: "Bastard. . ."
Carla: "Watch your tongue, Richter. Learn some respect and maturity before speaking to us like that."
Richter: "Someone like me respecting people like you? You're joking, right?"
Karlheinz: "Honestly. . . You are all worse than my sons – and that's saying something. I may not have much respect for my brother, but I have enough to say this; just because you are the cousins of my wife, that doesn't give you the right to insult my family."
Richter: "I don't need your protection, brother."
Shin: "Whatever. We are getting off topic. Who's next?"
Carla: ". . . I'd get my fiancé something respectable. A gold banded ring with a few small gemstones. Nothing too expensive – I trust her not to lose it however."
Karlheinz: "I understand that this is your perfect girl – not mine, but let me tell you a few things. I've had three wives therefore I'm quite the expert on what women like. You have to put everything you have into it – time, money, love. Everything. My ring would be more wonderful than you could imagine."
Richter: "Dare I say I agree. For me, a ring of high value would be the only thing I'd settle for. Pure gold, of course. That's what has worked previously before anyway. . ."
Carla: "If you're talking about my cousin, let me tell you that Cordelia never had any intent of marrying you, you realise. I know her all too well. She wanted the gifts and attention, that's all."
Richter: "That's not true. We adored each other."
Karlheinz: "Careful, brother. That is my wife you're talking about."
Shin: "I would love to listen to this story but I'd rather get this over and done with. So, is that all on the ring, Richter?"
Richter: ". . .Yes, it is."
Karlheinz: "Good. Well, I rather liked hearing all of your little fantasies of how you'd woo a woman with jewellery. Let's do this again some time."
Carla: "How about not."

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