One-Shot | Kanato: Scarborough Fair

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Kanato's steady pale hands worked professionally at the tiniest stitches - the final stitches - as his large, unblinking purple orbs were focused intently on the needle as it weaved its way in and out of the fabric at his command.

"Are you going to Scarborough fair..."

The soft, feminine voice of his partner began from behind him causing a sudden chill to run down his spine. His mouth became dry and his hands started to shake uncontrollably as his grip upon the needle he had be pulling through slipped and pierced straight into his index finger. Kanato, frozen stiff, was in too much shock to register the watery deep-red blood that pumped out of the seemingly tiny wound that stained the hem of the dress he had been adjusting.

The next verse was hummed, but it was already too late - Kanato had identified the song immediately and it wasn't long before his dismay dispersed into something more sinister. Much more sinister.

"–Kanato! You're bleeding!" The human girl's frantic voice brought him back into reality, grief-stricken thoughts of Cordelia and his childhood seemingly irrelevant in this moment as the centre of attention was now on his blood-stained finger. "...So I am." His voice croaked, orbs hesitantly casting downwards before drawing back up to her face.

While the panicked girl used a scrap piece of fabric to apply pressure to the small area, Kanato couldn't help but invade her rushed thoughts with yet another one - one that she could tell from his intent stare that he wouldn't let her get away without answering.

"Where did you learn that song?"

"This is hardly the time to be asking such thin—"

"Where did you learn that song?!"

She bit her lip, eyes partially catching on his before she retracted her gaze in fear of upsetting him. While one of Kanato's hands was clasped tightly in hers, tending to the injury from the needle, his other tightly secured upon the handle of a pair of dressmaker shears. His pride had been shattered unknowingly. That was his song, and his song alone - he had convinced himself anyway.

"It was something my parents used to sing to me... as a child." She began, breathes hitching in concern for saying the wrong thing. She continued after a moment, "Some things truly do stick with you, I suppose–"

"Shut up." Kanato finally spoke, cutting her off at the very end of her last sentence. "Shut up, shut up, shut up!!" Bearing his fangs, Kanato drew the shears over his head, their sharp point almost certain to embed itself in her flesh should he suddenly attempt to stab her. "You can't sing that - ever! You don't have the right!" He shouted, eyes burning with fury she had never seen before. "I-I'm sorry, Kanato!! I-I didn't know you didn't like the song!!"

It was still and silent as Kanato stopped at her words. His blood stained hand drawback from her and the other that was clasped aggressive around the shears had dropped to his side, the metal instrument clattering upon contact made with the stone flooring.

The next moment he was in her arms - sobbing uncontrollably.

"'Didn't like the song'?!" he echoed in-between sobs, emotions conflicting between wanting to punish her for stirring up such memories and embracing her to sooth his scared soul. "That's not it - not at all. It's just..." he caught himself, sniffling and drawing a deep breath. "Nothing. It's nothing."

Lifting his face, he turned back toward the dress and retrieved the red-tipped needle from the floor with his blood-stained hand. The human wanted to press him for answers, but she knew he was at his breaking point - he always was - so she left him be, sulking back to where she was before his explosion of emotion, allowing silence to fill the void between them.

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