28.) *Trigger Warning* If You Committed Suicide (Mukami + Tsukinami)

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-Warning: These scenarios may be triggering to some people who have previously attempted or are currently contemplating suicide. If this is you, know that assistance is available and I encourage you to seek help. Please do not read if you are unsure about how you may handle certain subjects and topics like this. Also, this scenario goes into quite a bit of detail, please keep that in mind if you are sensitive to graphic descriptions. Thank you.-

The Mukami mansion was suspiciously quiet. Usually, you would be at Ruki's side, creating noise and being "troublesome livestock". Instead, you were nowhere to be found. It was only when he found the empty pill bottle lying open on your bed was when he finally when into full panic mode. Busting into the locked bathroom next door to your bedroom, he found you passed out beside the toilet seat, the smell of vomit strongly swirling around the tiny room.

Ruki didn't care for the revolting smell or the mess you had created, he just wanted to make sure you would live to see the next day! He collapsed beside you wasting no time pulling you into his embrace and holding you in his arms. Forcing his fingers down your throat to get you to throw up the remaining number of pills, he called out your name desperately... But, despite all of his efforts, the pills had been in your system too long and caused your body to completely shut down...

A week passed and the funeral had been held and, much to dismay of his brothers, Ruki appeared to be holding everything together. He wasn't known to be the emotional type, but they thought he would have broken down at least once... especially seeing as you were the love of his life. Unbeknown to them, concerning thoughts of suicide was all that filled his head, clouding his better judgement and forcing him to become more reserved than usual.

No matter how many days went by, he continued to be stunned beyond measure. He couldn't understand why you would do such a thing as kill yourself. Perhaps it was an accident? Was it a sudden impulse? He would never know. A tight lump formed in his throat every time he thought about you and – when he was completely alone – he couldn't hold back the urge to choke out a waterfall of tears.

On the outside, Kou seemed to be handling his situation rather calmly. He somehow appeared content with his life, stating everything happened for a reason. His brothers, especially Ruki, weren't fooled, however. They attempted to console him, acknowledging the hardships he must have been facing, and that tiny amount of compassion left the idol in tears. He often wondered to himself, what would he do without them?

"Little-Maso-Kitty~! Guess who it is~!" Kou's voice called, strutting into your bedroom as soon as the clock struck 8a.m. He was scheduled to leave for an idol trip last night, but decided against going and to, instead, stay with you. He failed to mention this to you, however, and wanted it to be a surprise. Little did he know, you planned to end it all when he left in hopes that the chances of being stopped were unlikely.

"M-Maso-Kitty...?" He stuttered, slowly and reluctantly processing what he was seeing. Your body was swinging steadily back and forth from the ceiling, the noose tightly secured around your neck – and a suicide note written just for him placed below you. The word hysteric wasn't even close to how Kou reacted. He was ten times worse than just hysteric. The entire room was practically torn apart in only the first minute and he immediately called anyone and everyone to help him. His brothers, the emergency services and even Karlheinz – begging him to save you somehow, but Karl ultimately refused.

The least he had done was preserve you belongings in an attempt of self-condolence. It hadn't even been twenty-four hours before he too had attempted suicide. With a previous experience in doing so, he wasted barely any time tying the noose, yet, yielded the same outcome as he had originally – only falling into unconsciousness and re-awakening a short time later. He was unable to kill himself. Unable to end his life completely, he slowed it down as much as possible, skipping school and putting his idol career – the one thing he had left to live for – on hold.

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