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I was dancing in my bathroom with a hairbrush putting on my own personal concert. "The Calendar" came on and my eyes lit up. It was one of my favorites. I sang the lyrics so loudly that I'm pretty sure my downstairs neighbors were going to complain but, frankly, I didn't care.

"At night your body is a symphony and I'm condu-"

A text

Jay: Hey, wanna grab some coffee?
(Y/N): I would kill for a cappuccino.
Jay: cool I'll be over in 10?
(Y/N): sounds good.

Jay was my best friend. The only consistent person I've had in my life since the 7th grade. I trusted him with my life. Jay's girlfriend Kelsey on the other hand? I can't stand her. Jay knows this but I respect that they are together and I always make an effort to get along but she just rolls her eyes.
I brushed my hair and put on clothes that were slightly more presentable than my pj's and waited for Jay. Two minutes later I heard a knock on my door.

"Hey let's go. I have some stuff to tell you."

"Well hello to you too" I replied.

"Sorry I'm just not in the best mood if you can tell at all."

"Okay I get it. Let's get to the coffee shop and we can talk."

We sat in silence for a few minutes until we parked and went in. I found us a table while Jay ordered our coffee. He's honestly such a sweet guy. I love him, platonically. I wonder what he has to tell me. He came to the table with both coffees in hand and sat down.

"So what's up?" I asked, genuinely curious.
"Kelsey and I broke up."
"What? why?"
"She cheated on me."
We talked for a while, me telling him how she doesn't deserve him and how much he means to me as a friend.

"(Y/N) I'm really not sad or mad or disappointed. If anything, I saw the end of our relationship coming. She was a fucking bitch" Jay said attempting to calm me down.

"So I'm not the only one who thought she was an utter pain in the ass?" I replied, surprised.

"Nope. I'm actually quite relieved that this is over. I just wanted some coffee and needed an excuse to tell you."

"Makes since."

We sat there talking like we normally do long after both of our mugs were empty and the coffee shop with them. At closing time once the coffee shop was empty, the waitress came over to us and asked us to leave. We left and went back to my place.

"Well thanks for talking to me I'm going to head out for the night. You're the best (Y/N). Goodnight."

"Goodnight, Jay. See you soon."

And with that he left. I really do love Jay. He's really the only stable figure in my life and it's been that way for years. I went to my bedroom and laid down, closed my eyes, and fell into a dreamless sleep.

I woke up the next morning and went to that same coffee shop that we went to the night before and ordered a cuppuccino. Once I got it I left the shop I went back home and got ready for work. I worked at this music store. It was a family owned place. You could feel the passion for music as soon as you walked in and that's why I loved it so much. Everyone there actually cared about what they were doing. I was a cashier as well as a teacher. I taught ukulele, guitar and piano there. I truly couldn't ask for a better job.

"Hey Stan!" I said as I walked in. Stan was the owner.

"Hey (Y/N). How was your weekend?" He asked.
"Eh same old, same old. You?" I questioned.

"Me as well" he replied.

I went into the break room and grabbed my name tag and went and sat at the cash register. Business was usually slow at this point in the day, and the fact that it was a Monday wasn't exactly helping. I looked at my lesson schedule and I had a ukulele lesson scheduled for 12pm. I looked at the time, 10:21am. Ugh. I went and picked up the guitar and began to just mess around. Just playing random things. I must have gotten so into my playing that I didn't even hear the bell ring, indicating that someone had come in. I continued to play.

"I Constantly Thank God For Esteban. It's been a while since I've played that one." An unknown voice said, commenting on the song I was playing.

"Oh really?" I turned around and was instantly stunned. Was that really who I thought it was? Oh my fucking god.

Dallon Weekes was standing right in front of me.

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