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I read the text again and again. One short word but I couldn't believe it. I wasn't going to get too excited yet, after all I didn't even know who it was from.

From: (Y/N)
To: unknown
Who is this?

From: unknown
Oh! Sorry 😐 it's Dallon 🙂

From: (Y/N)
To: Dallon
Oh hey! What's up?

I immediately saved the number into my phone. I was ecstatic. This is insane!

From: Dallon
To: (Y/N)
Nothing much... you?

From: (Y/N)
To: Dallon
Eh. Just work.

From: Dallon
To: (Y/N)
Would you maybe want to come over to our hotel room and play that guitar of yours?

From: (Y/N)
To: Dallon
Really? You of all people want to hear me again?

From: Dallon
To: (Y/N)
Well duh. Plus Brendon never even got to hear you in the first place and he really wants to.

From: (Y/N)
To: Dallon
Ok... I'll be there soon just send me the address...

He sent it to me and I got ready. I put on very minimal make up, a black crop top, high waisted jeans, and some black converse. I threw on some shades and headed out. Their hotel room wasn't far from my place so I decided to walk.

A few minutes later a knocked on their hotel room door. Dallon answered with slight bed head, a t-shirt and jeans on. He looked so effortlessly attractive.

"Sorry I look so, well," he gestured down his body at his outfit, apologizing for his appearance.

"No it's absolutely fine. I don't look too fancy either" I replied giggling slightly.

"So where's your guitar?

"Oh I didn't realize that you actually wanted me to bring my own. I thought I could just play one of you guys'" I explained.

"Oh yeah that's cool. Sorry, come on in!" He invited me in, realizing that I was still standing outside of their hotel room. I smiled and walked in. I saw Brendon and greeted him.

"Hey! We met briefly at—"
"The music store" he cut me off. "I remember. (Y/N)? Right?"

"That'd be me!"

"So wanna just grab a guitar?" Dallon asked.

"Sure..." if I'm being honest with myself, I felt quite intimidated.

He motioned with his hand for me to follow him so I did. He led me to where their guitars were. There were only 4 because they were in a hotel room. Two acoustics, one electric, and a bass.

"Well just pick any one that you'd like to play."

I went for the classic tan acoustic guitar. I like singing with acoustics more than electrics. Plus we were in a hotel room so no need to break out an amp. Dallon grabbed the bass guitar and we went back to the main area with Brendon. Brendon was tapping his hands and feet, making little beats. I forget that he is a drummer. We sat down and Dallon starting playing little riffs. I sat there awkwardly not really knowing what to do. Do I just start playing? I start to do a bit of finger picking and I just play around with the guitar. I get more into it and just start to have fun with it, that is what music is about, right? I got so lost in what I was doing that I barely noticed them clapping when I had stopped. Oops.

"Wow, you were right Dallon. She's pretty good." Brendon said.

"I told you, man" Dallon replied.

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