7:The Date

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As you were walking to the cafe,you felt like someone was following you and it creeped you out a bit.

You decided to ignore it and walked in looking for Minho and you saw him waving at you at a table for two.

"Hey Y/N!" He gave you a bright smile and sat back down in his seat.

"Hey Minho,did you come early or something?"

"Just like ten minutes but I was really excited that's why,but I'm getting such a weird vibe right now."

"Me too,it feels like someone's watching us."

Hoseok POV:

"Jungkook,get down! I think she saw you."

"Ugh god Hyung,that dude keeps staring at us. I feel like he knows for sure."

"Well screw him,we need to watch over Y/N."

Minho POV:

I fell in love with a angel sent down from heaven,I really need to make this girl mine.

3rd person POV:

Minho and Y/N were chatting like best friends who've known each other for years. Sometimes they stopped and just sat in comfortable silence trying to stop laughing from the jokes Minho was making.


"That wasn't even my best joke,I've got more" Minho also starting laughing to the point where tears were coming out of his eyes.

Minho would even accidentally touch Y/N's hand alot.


After a while you and Minho started to head back home because it was getting dark kind of and you knew Yoongi was probably going to kill you when you got home.

While you were going back,you saw a nice store and decided to go in. It had cute gifts and jewelry etc;

"Awww,look at this cute bear" you hugged this white bear that really caught your attention.

"I'll buy it for you,Y/N" before you could say anything he already took it to the register.

"Minho,I feel bad you really didn't have to."

"It was my treat for you today,so just enjoy it" he smiled and kept walking next to you.

You both were already at your house and Minho grabbed your hands and looked deep into your eyes...

"Y/N will you be my girlfriend?"

You were shocked at the sudden question but knew it was coming.

"I uh-uhh."

"It's fine you don't have to answer me right away,take your time" he smiled at you and what he did next had you shook-

He kissed you on the cheek and left.

You entered the house and saw Ji Won and Jungkook watching TV in the living room. You greeted her and went upstairs to your room as fast as you could.

Oh my gosh,did he just kiss me-and asked me if I wanted to be his girlfriend?! Stop dreaming Y/N wake up before you get hurt.

This wasn't a dream and you really couldn't believe it was happening.

You went to the small dresser/table next to your bed and picked up the photo frame of your mom.

Mom,you're watching over me right? Do you know what I should do because I feel stuck. You always wanted me to be happy with the person I love and I thought that was Minho-but why am I hesitating then?

You sighed and went to go take a shower and wear something more comfy. Grabbing your favourite pair of sweat pants and a comfortable hoodie,you got in.

Taking a shower helped you clear your head and just relax.

You decided to call your best friend Yoo Jung to ask her what to do.

5 minutes into the conversation

"Yeah I know that shirt was way too big for me"

"Yoo Jung, something big happened on my 'date' with Minho today."

"Really what?" It's like you could almost hear her smirking over the phone.

You took a deep breath and said "Minhoaskedmetobehisgf"

"Y/N,I can't understand you when you talk like that"

"He asked me to be his girlfriend."


"I said nothing,he's giving me time to think about it."

"Ugh,Y/N I wonder how long you'll take. By the way does Jungkook know? Out of all your brothers,he scares me most. Oh god gives me goosebumps just thinking about him."

"No,he doesn't know and I hope he doesn't find out. He's with Ji Won downstairs right now."

"Ohhh,I see and did you tell Jihyo yet?"

"Nah,I'll tell her tomorrow in class,we have algebra together,remember?"

"Oh yeah,I gtg Y/N see you tomorrow at school with your new boyfriend."

Oh god what's wrong with that girl. You couldn't help but smile though.

She's been your best friend since elementary school and so had Jihyo & Ji Eun You had other friends but they weren't as close to you as them.

"Guys,did you go grocery shopping today? We ran out of milk and other stuff."

"Yeah me and Jin went" Jimin answered your question looking away from his phone.

You started cooking and you all had dinner in probably 30 minutes.

Everyone was eating and it was unusually quite.

"Guess I'm going to bed,then schools going to be a wreck tommorow."

"Good night Y/N" atleast someone finally said something and that being Namjoon.

You drifted asleep and tried to drown away your worries.

😪 ZzzZzzZzzZzzz

Thank you for reading :) ❤

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