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Would it be easier to fight or to just accept defeat?


3rd person POV:

This news was shocking to everyone and Taehyung was shocked the most.

He fell to his knees and cried,he cried until there were no more tears left.

"Tae...everything will be okay,Y/N can get through this" Jimin crouched down to hug Taehyung and cried softly.

The air around everyone became sad and dull. Everyone just sat in the waiting room with red and swollen eyes.

"Guys,you can go see her now" Jin took of his doctors mask and walked toward the room Y/N was in.

"Room 17" Jin walked infront of them and opened the door slowly.

Taehyung began to remember...


"Eomma,where's Y/N's mom?" Taehyung asked out of curiosity since he was being taken to somewhere in the hospital.

"She's in this room now...room 17" his mom smiled at him and opened the door quietly. His mom left the room and told Taehyung to go sit on the bed.

She was laying there,with her eyes closed...trying to rest peacefully. She was truly beautiful and strong despite the pain she was in.

"Taehyung-ah" Ga yeon (Y/N's mom) smiled at him and patted his head softly. Y/N was sleeping soundly on one of the chairs in the room.

"Are you going to be sick forever? Are you going to leave me and Y/N to play at the cherry blossom tree by ourselves?" Taehyung looked up at her.

"I will leave to a beautiful place,but you need to promise me something" Ga Yeon caressed his cheek softly.

"What is it"

"Taehyung,the most important thing to do in love is to be patient if the other person doesn't know about your feelings. You also need to follow your heart and see if you truly love them. Promise me that you'll stay by Y/N's side forever even when I leave"

"Of course I will! I want to marry her too,is that okay auntie?" Taehyung flashed his signature box smile.

Ga Yeon laughed."Hm,maybe when you grow older"

Taehyung giggled at headed to Y/N who was snoring and sleeping with her mouth open.

"She's so cute and pretty! Just like you,I love her so much!"

(That was on December 19)

Two days later at the funeral:

Taehyung wiped the tears away from his eyes and placed the flowers on Ga Yeon's grave.

"Eomma,why do the good people always have to die?" he asked while hugging his mom.

"When you're in a garden,which flowers do you pick...the pretty ones right? So God takes the good people to heaven like that" she patted Taehyung's head and headed over to the four year old Jungkook who was crying because Jimin took his candy away.

That's when Taehyung saw Y/N running away to the cherry blossom tree and went after her.

'I'll keep my promise Ga Yeon auntie'

End of flashback

They were all sitting in the room looking at Y/N who was unconscious.

"Lung cancer can be difficult to treat sometimes,but there is a chance of survival. We're lucky that we detected this soon so she can get minimal surgery. She can't be cured completely with only surgery,but her health state was pretty good before this,despite the bruises and weakness in her bones" one of the doctors told them.

"We will just try the two types of therapy and I hope you all the best" the doctor bowed and left the room.

"Guys...let's not give up" Yoongi patted Namjoon's shoulder and looked up at all of them.

"Right...we can get through this" Namjoon said.

"I'll go call mom and dad" Jimin got up and went to the other side of the room.

They were all really tired and hungry since it was now two am in the morning.

"Here's some food" Jin bought in some sandwiches and yawned while putting them down on the table.

They all started eating really hungrily.

All except Taehyung. He wasn't hungry,he wasn't tired,he wasn't even sure if he was alive.

His heart felt empty and all he could think about was Y/N. She had been unconscious for too long.

"Taetae,please eat" Jin tried giving him a bite of his sandwich but was rejected.

"No,I'm not hungry" Taehyung spoke with a really deep and raspy voice.

All of a sudden they heard someone cough and got up from their seats.

"O-oW" Y/N got up slowly and rested her head against the headboard of the bed.

"Y/N!" everyone ran up to her and tried giving small hugs,because she was in a pretty bad state right now.

"Guys..." Y/N began to cry really hard and she knew this time she wasn't okay. Everything won't be okay.

All the others tired comforting her and saying she'll get well soon with alot of sympathy.

"I just-I just want to give up on my life" ~Y/N


Even when everyone says everything will be okay,you know that it isn't true sometimes. Maybe it is easier to just accept defeat then fight.

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