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A/N: sad chapter,so prepare yourselves ;)

Just when you start to become happier and finally become stronger,you break again. People will break and hurt you over and over again. You were incapable of being happy and living in peace...

"You stupid bitch" another kick.

"You don't deserve to live" another kick.

"You are ruining people's lives. Just go kill yourself" another tug on the hair.

"Stop showing your face around here" another kick.

Jung Eunbi left Y/N on the floor against the lockers,bleeding nonstop and with alot of bruises.


It was painful for you to just try to get up. It felt like your whole body was breaking.

You tried walking to the bathroom but it took you a while.

You washed the blood off your face with cold water,but it felt so painful.

There was no one in the bathroom and you were very grateful for that. It was lunch time and no one was around so you got beaten up by Eunbi,who was a very popular girl,who everyone loved.

You went out to go to your locker and you heard a voice calling you.

"Y/N! Hey" Jimin smiled widely while walking towards you but walked faster once he saw the blood and bruises on you.

"What the hell?! Y/N what happened? Are you okay,oh my gosh. Let's hurry and go to the infirmary" he helped you walk and had a worried look in his eyes.

You were grateful that he didn't ask any questions,because no words would come out of your mouth even if you tried to speak.

3rd person POV:

"Oh hey Jiminie-WHAT IN THE WORLD?!" Jin ran to Y/N (who had now passed out) and got Jimin to put her down on the bed.

"I was leaving my classroom and Y/N was standing near her locker,so I went to say hi and I saw blood and bruises over her. Then she passed out all of a sudden and I bought her here" Jimin looked at Jin with a worried expression.

"Who the fuck did this" Jungkook walked up to them and looked at Y/N.

"I don't even know-" Jimin sighed and put the blanket over Y/N.

Jin put bandages on her and medicine on the bruises.

"We'll hopefully find out soon. Now where's Taehyung? You all promised to have lunch together here" Jin sat down on one of the chairs.

"Someone say my name?" Taehyung smiled and closed the sliding door behind him.

His smile turned into a worried expression when he saw Y/N. "What in the world" he ran to Y/N and felt his eyes becoming tear-y.

Jimin explained what had happened and Taehyung just nodded his head and had an unreadable face. He was really quite the whole time the four ate lunch.

Y/N soon woke up feeling weak and excessively tired.

Taehyung was sitting at the edge of the infirmary bed and looked up from his book.

He went closer to her and gave a big hug.

"Y/N! Thank god you're awake" Taehyung blinked away the tears in his eyes.

"Of course,I am. I would wake up sooner or later" she smiled back and returned the hug.

"Now,tell me what happened" Taehyung let go of their hug and sat back down on the bed.

"Well..." she had explained everything to him.

He listened very closely while she was talking and at the end he held her hands tightly.

"Y/N,I am so sorry that I couldn't protect you. This seems like it was all my fault. I'm so useless and I can't help you in any way-"

"Tae,don't ever say that,none of this was your fault and you know I love you. Everything will be okay" Y/N smiled at him.


We both went home together and when we entered the door,everyone had worried expressions and tears in their eyes.

"Y/N!" Jimin literally jumped on me and gave a really big hug.

"Jiminie~ guys I'm fine,there's seriously no need to worry" you nervously smiled at them.

"The fuck Y/N,don't play with our hearts like that" Yoongi took a deep breath and put his hand on his heart.

"Dinner's ready!" Jin called all of you guys to the kitchen.

"I'm not really hungry" you looked at them and headed upstairs.

You felt so weak and tired. It was unbelievable because you were usually energetic and healthy but now...

You were in your room and that's when you suddenly fell down on your knees.

You couldn't breathe-you had such a shortness of breath and started coughing really hard.

You ran to the bathroom sink and coughed out blood. You kept coughing and wheezing,falling to the floor of the bathroom. That's when you heard someone coming upstairs.

"Y/N,are you sure you don't want some dinner-" Taehyung ran inside the bathroom and held you close.

"Oh my god,what happened?!" Taehyung cried out for Jin and the others,that's all you remembered before you passed out.

At the hospital

Taehyung and the others were in the waiting room of the hospital Jin worked at.

Jin came out of the room with tears in his eyes and his head down. Jimin looked up at him sadly and was about to say something but was interrupted by Taehyung.

All the others looked up at Jin.

Taehyung ran up to him and grabbed his shoulders.

"Is she okay?! IS Y/N OKAY?" Taehyung was beginning to loose his mind.

"She has lung cancer."

A/N: I just love cliffhangers 💁.
Thanks for reading :)❤

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