Commented Fanfic!

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The clock reads 1:30. I'm going to be so frickin late! I start to turn a corner as another car smashes into the side of my car. I start to spin out a little but thankfully stop before I roll into the ditch.

I jump out of my car and walk up to the person who hit me. Yes, I know your not supposed to do that but I don't give a crap! I'm pissed! "What the fudge nugget was that?!?!" I yell throwing my arms into the air as I approach the car that hit mine. A very hot guy steps out of the car. "I am so sorry! I wasn't paying attention to where I was going and I didn't realize you were there! I will pay for any of the damage!" he says sweetly.

Wait a second. I recognize him from somewhere. Is that...Zayn Malik?!?! OH MY CHEESE BALLS IT IS. DONT FREAK OUT! HE IS JUST AN EXTREMELY PERFECT HUMAN BEING.

"You better pay for it!" I say demandingly. I stomp back to my car and slam the door behind me. When I see him return to his car and close the door. I start to fangirl. "It's Zayn Malik! Breath....Breath!!" I take a deep breath and pick up my phone. I text my BFF Kendall Jenner.



'He's going to pay for it!!! DUH!💁'

'LOL. Fudge balls...I almost got caught texting! GTG byzies!'


Why do I love our conversations so much? Her ending the conversation with 'byzies!' every time gets on my nerves though. I hear the sirens of a cop car and look in my mirror. I climb out and meet the officer. Zayn stands anxiously near us.

I can't help but keep glancing at his perfection. I may be the luckiest girl in the world! Zayn Malik hit my car!! Why is that a good thing? I have so many mixed emotions right now. I glance at the cops watch and it reads 2:00. Cheese balls, Im late for work.

"Will you excuse me a moment while I call my boss and inform him about what's happening?" I politely ask the officer. Where did I get inform from? probably seeing Zayn. It's like a dream. He nods to excuse me and I go inside my car and dial up my bosses number.

"Talk to me." She answers.

"Umm, hey, Samantha." I say nervously.

"Mia you are very late! Get your butt down here now! Or else your fired!" She scolds.

"I know I know but I got into an accident on my way and it may be a while I'm not sure." I try to be polite but inside I'm screaming through the phone at her. I picture me doing that as she continues.

"You better hurry, we will be busy soon, kids get off school at 2-3 and will be here for a while. Be here by than." She hangs up without a goodbye or a chance for me to tell her otherwise.

I take a deep breath. Then, I scream at the top of my lungs in anger. I take another deep breath and step out of the car trying to remain calm. I walk up to the officer and Zayn who are giving me strange looks. I give them a weird one back.

They both turn back to their business and I turn to mine. The officer finally tells us what to do and Zayn and I obey.

========1 hour later==========

I rush inside the shop and my boss stands there with folded arms. "I'm so sorry!" I say and rush over and slide on my apron. "Well we're busy so get moving!" She commands and I obey. I hate when I have to work with her. This won't be the end of all her commands. They will never stop until I marry Zayn Malik so I won't need a job anymore. ;)

I quickly take people's orders and sometimes make them too if the other employees are busy. I guess I haven't told you where I work yet. Caribou. It's not as glamorous working here as you would think. Especially not with my boss.

Once my shift is over I quickly hang up my apron and try to leave without Sam noticing. "Hold it Husby!" She calls after me. Dang it. I make a mocking face and then quickly spin around with a smile. "Yes?" I ask through clenched teeth. "Why don't you work an extra hour or two? You can get a better paycheck that way." She says like it's completely reasonable.

I huff quietly and slip back into my apron. I can't say no now. She'd have to ask me why and I don't want to make her jealous that at 5:00 I have a date with Zayn Malik. Oh, did I forget to mention that? Oops! Here's how it happened:

Officer: "alright so since Mr Malik apparently admitted to hitting Ms Husby, Mr Malik will be forced to pay for the damages. If he doesn't pay by the 1st of June give me a call Mia."

I nod. "Yes sir!" I say to him as he climbs into his car. Zayn looks at the ticket in his hands. "Oh, I'll send you the bill for the new parts to my car." I wink to Zayn.

"I don't think that's enough." He says. "What?" I ask confused. "Let me take you to dinner." He says with a smirk and a wink. I give him a shocked look. "Okay?" I say confused that he would want to go with a girl like me. Ordinary. "Great. Write your number on my hand with this pen and I'll call for your address." He hands me a pen and holds out his hand. I write my number and he examines it and chuckles. "You wrote it upside down." He smirks. "Oops!" I say and turn away playfully.

I drive away and head to work. I can't wait! My phone starts to ring. I pick it up and see it's an unknown number. "Hello?" I answer. "5 o'clock?" Its Zayn. "Perfect." I reply. "Miss you and can't wait!" Zayn says "okay." I hang up when there's no reply. Of course there was no reply! I was being a stupid idiot so I said 'okay'! *face palm* I am such an idiot! He probably thinks I'm a jerk now. I hate myself.

☀️⛅️☁️⛅️☀️🌈*5 o'clock*

I'm ready for my date with Zayn and sit on the couch in my living room. I wear black jeggings, with a black thick strap tank top that flows perfectly with the infinity sign printed across the chest. I take with me a pink leather jacket in case it gets cold. My hair is in a messy bun with a french braid leading up to it. My feet are covered by black converse. I feel girly. It's gross. I check the clock and see I have 5 minutes till it's 5. I shrug and run upstairs.

I change into my owl sweater that is knitted and black except for the white owl. I let my hair down which falls curly on my shoulders from being in a bun. I slide on my black beanie and decide that this is more me. Comfy but fashionable.

The doorbell rings and I trip down the stairs in excitement. I smooth down my shirt and open the door trying to be calm. "Come on in." I say opening the door for him to enter. He does and looks around. "Nice place you got here." His accent is heavenly. I almost melt. "Thanks." I say trying not to fangirl.

We sit on the couch awkwardly. Well I'm awkward, but he is just a perfect little angel. I just want to squeeze the life out of him! Not to kill him, but to hug him! I hope that did not sound like I wanted to murder him. I would kill myself if that ever happened to him.

We sit in silence. "Shall we go?" He finally asks. "We shall" I say sweetly. He opens the door to his car for me and I nod to thank him. He walks around and climbs into the driver seat. He starts to drive and I play with my thumbs. Aw cheese balls, I hate that habit! Whenever I get nervous I play with my thumbs. It's also probably since I'm anxious. I want to hit it off with him! THAT WOULD BE AMAZING.

HAHA! You'll have to wait to see how the date goes! Thank you BritishArmia for commenting this Fanfic! it's dedicated to her!

Hope you like!

Love yaks!😘

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