My Fanfic End

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Ever since me and Niall first kissed we can't get enough of eachother. We sneak out alone all of the time. I can tell the other guys are getting suspicious because we are always doing stuff together and we have the strongest bond. Liam almost caugh us kissing in Niall's car when we got back from a movie.

I guess you could say we are officially dating but he hasn't really asked me to be his girlfriend. I'm sure if he does he will tell the boys. Right? I don't know how long I can keep this a secret. Louis and I are the next closest and I feel kind of guilty not telling him. He tells me everything about him and Eleanor. She sounds quite lovely. I haven't met her yet though.

I'm interrupted from my game of Flappy Bird when Liam comes bursting through the door. It scares me so I die. "Dang flabbit Liam! I died because of you!" I yell. He sits down next to me quite close. He give me a weird look. "Oh!" He exclaims pulling me into a hug. This is quite weird.

I pull his arms off of me. "Why are you hugging me?" I ask confused. "No reason." He says pinching my cheeks. "They grow up so fast." He says fake sobbing as he leaves the room. What just happened.

Niall walks down the stairs. "Ready to go?" He asks. "Go where?" I question. "A surprise." He says cheerfully. I glare at him. I hate when he keeps things a secret from me.

I follow him to his car. As he pulls out I see the rest of the boys in the window and they're all fake sobbing. Zayn hand Liam a tissue an he blows his nose an pats his eyes. What the heck?

We pull up to a park that looks aamazing! There are willow trees and flowers everywhere! I love willow trees! They are my favorite! They are just so lovely. He leads me to a bench under a willow tree and I sit down next to him. He wraps his arm around me and I snuggle close to him.

I hear a few shrieks. "OMG IT'S NIALL HORAN!" Girls scream running up to us. "OMG IS THAT YOUR GIRLFRIEND, WHAT A SLUT! WOULDN'T YOU RATHER BE WITH ME?" Another girl exclaims. Soon we are surrounded by a dozen girls calling out rude comments like: NIALL WHERE'S THE REST OF 1D? WHERE'S HARRY? I LOVE HIM! and WHY ARE YOU WITH THAT SLUT? or OMG YOUR GIRLFRIENDS SO IGLY! WHY DON'T OU LIKE ME?

There are more that I don't want to repeat. I scan the crowd as Niall gets sucked in. I find the girl that appears to be the 'leader'. I walk up to her. "EW WHAT'S THIS PIECE OF GARBAGE DOING SO CLOSE TO ME?" She exclaims. I swing back and punch her hard in the jaw. She falls to the ground and clutches it.

I stand over her. "Don't you ever insult Niall or me again, got it?" I threaten. She whines and stands up. "Niall, I need to see Harry, can you go get him?" She complains. Oh that's it ya wor I should not say. I grab her arm and throw her to the ground again. I kick her side and kneel on her stomach.

"You don't deserve to see Harry, you don't even deserve to be around Niall, he has feelings ya know! Completly ignoring the fact that you are in the presence of one of the best guys on thenplanet you decide to ask for another one besides him, that is Completly rude!" I yell and punch her in the face again. I hear cameras shutter. Oh crap. I forgot paparazzi follow him everywhere.

I quickly stand up and run with Niall to his car. As he drive away I put my finger tips to my temples. "I am so sorry Niall, I don't know what got into me I just couldn't stand them insulting you like that, you were just trying to have a nice evening and I totally ruined it by beating thy girl up." I apologize.

I feel his hand on my back. "Lyra your perfectly fine, I'm not mad at you at all, in fact I love you more than ever right now." He explains. My jaw drops. He said he loved me. I look at him a little stunned. He looks a little embarrassed.

I lean over an peck his cheek. "I love you too." I say. I don't want him to feel embarrassed that he said that. He isn't the only one that loves someone. I really do love him back. He is just so amazing. I can't even explain how much I love him.

The car stops and I look out the window. We are at some park in his car. The sun is starting to set and he turns the car off. I lean over and rest my head on his body and he pulls me closer. "Lyra?" He asks. "Hmm?" I him. "Will you be my girlfriend?" he asks. "Of course." I smile. He kisse stage top of my head and I wrap my arms around his waist and pull him closer to me.


I'm about to doze off when I hear the car start. I quickly sit up and the sun has set.

When we get back to his flat, all te boys are waiting on the couch. They look expectantly at us. "I beat a girl up tonight!" I exclaim. They all for me a funny look. "Long story." Niall says. They all nod. "Sooo?" Liam asks standing up. "Yes, it's official." I say. He claps happily. "Aww, my little Nialler has a girlfriend!" Je says pinching his cheeks. He swats his hands away.

I laugh a little and walk up to my room. I take a quick shower and change into comfy clothes. When I walk downstairs nobody is on the couch and the lights are dim like a movie theater. I walk into the kitchen and Niall has his head in the freezer. I assume he's planning something so I quickly and quietly sneak back up to my room. I play a few rounds of flappy bird and by now I assume he's done.

I walk downstairs again and Niall has ice cream and two spoons sitting on the coffee table. He stand proudly in front of the tv. "What's this?" I ask surprised. "WWe're going to have a movie night." He gushes. "Aww." I say and kiss his cheek. I sit on the couch and he sits next to me.

He picks up the remote and hits play. Frozen starts to play. I give him a look. He knows I like Disney movies. I grab the ice cream and the spoons and hand him one. We share the ice cream and before Elsa can finish let it go, it's gone.

After the movie is finished I'm practically asleep so Niall scoops me up and carries me to bed. I have the best boyfriend ever!


So this is my last chapter!

Hope you guys liked!

I will be doing a commented fanfic next!

Keep commenting!

Tell me what you think!

Also I lied about it beig about Lyra and Liam. Oops. 😁

Love yaks!

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