My fanfic continued

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I wake up and I'm alone in bed. Yes. He got up and left in the middle of the night. I snuggle underneath the covers. I hear a knock on the door. I groan. "Go away I'm sleeping." I moan turning over. They come in anyways. The jump on the bed and I bounce up. "Wake up sleepy head!" He says peppy. "Go away." I groan and hit them. "Wow. Your violent win you sleep too!" They say shaking the bed. "Today I'm going to make you like us!" It's Liam.

I sit up and glare at him. "Okay okay!" He says putting his hands up in defense. "I guess you hit the snooze button so I'll be back in five minutes." He says leaving. "Don't come back at all!" I yell as I throw a pillow at the door and he closes it quickly.

************************************************5 minutes later************


"Get up Get up Get up!" All of them come parading in singing for me to get up. I shove my head under a pillow and scream. "You will like us by the end of the day!" Liam yells when they finish their wake up song. "No I won't!" I sing doing jazz hands. They give me a frown and I roll my eyes and put my face back under the pillow. I hear them walking and expect that they're leaving. Then I feel hands wrap around my feet and they start to pull.

I scream as I grab the sheet covering the mattress and try to scramble up the bed. They keep pulling until I'm at the bottom of the bed and then I shoot them a glare. "" I growl. "Hmmm," Harry thinks. "Nope." He concludes and picks me up and throws me over his shoulder. I pound on his back but not as hard as I did yesterday. My body's still a little sore and weak from yesterday.

He finally sets me down on the kitchen counter. All the boys follow him in. Zayn stops in front of me. "You know, it's most every girl's dream to be living in a flat with 5 very handsome boys." He gushes. "Well I'm not every girl." I say mockingly. I jump off the counter and push Harry out if the way of the cupboard. He stumbles a little.

I groan. "I need food!" "There's food in there!" Liam says. "Not real food!" I complain. Niall walks up to me. "What exactly do you mean by real food?" He asks raising an eyebrow. "The opposite." I state. He smirks. "Follow me." He says leading me out of the kitchen. I stumble after him as he runs up the stairs. He stops in front of a door. I give him a questioning look. He just grins and opens the door. I look around inside as he shuts the door behind him.

It's just his bedroom. Wait. He just led me into his bedroom and locked the door. This is getting a little weird. He walks up next to me. I give him a weird look and he just grins. I raise an eyebrow and he starts to walk toward his bed. I grab his arm and pin him against the wall. "Why did you lock the door and what are you planning?" I ask him demandingly. He puts his hands up. "I have a secret junk food storage up here and thought I would share a little with you." He says sounding a little scared. I stare him down. "Why did you lock the door?" I question. "Because I don't want any of the boys sneakin in and eatin any. It's secret. Duh!" He says pushing off the wall and going back to where he was.

He pulls out a cardboard box. He opens it and inside is a one direction lunchbox. I roll my eyes. "I don't want them to get interested on what's inside." He says shrugging. "How is that going to keep them from going inside?" I ask. "They will probably just think it's more of our stuff." He shrugs opening it. When he opens it I hear the angels singing behind me again. Inside is any candy, cookie, chip, and any other type of junk food you may want. "You should not have showed this to me." I say sitting on the floor next to him. "Why?" He asks without looking away from his stash. "Because now I know where it is, and I live here now." I say trying to get him to catch on.

"Oh." He says a little sadly. I laugh. "Too late now!" I say shoving my hand into the box and pulling out a handful of food. He does the same and we hold it up. "Cheers!" I say touching my handful to his. I open up a nerds box and tip my head back and dump the whole box into my mouth. He does the same but with a pixie stick. I hear the door knob shake and hear some mumbles. Niall and I exchange looks and shrug. I rip open a skittles package and shove my hand in. The door burst open and the guys stand there staring at us with disbelief. Niall quickly shoves the box back underneath his bed.

"It's too late Niall." Liam says walking forward. He pulls the box out from under his bed. "You do not hide food in your room!" Liam scolds. Niall slouches down and pouts. "Bad Niall!" Liam says scolding. He lays down like a puppy dog and sticks out his bottom lip. Liam starts to turn away and I slowly finish my skittle. He stops, turns around, and snatches it from me. "No candy before breakfast." He scolds me. I mock him when he closes the door. I look and Niall and he's laughing. "Why are you laughing? We got caught!" I say madly. He reaches behind his dresser and pulls out another box. I smile. "I like you." I say proudly. I grab some more candy and eat some more.

We talk for a while and eventually we got pretty close together. We stop talking and we are looking into each other's eyes. We both slowly lean in and before I know it our lips have met. They move in perfect sink and his hand lands in my hair. I wrap my hands around his neck and move closer. I mess with his hair and he pulls me closer. We kiss for a while and then we finally pull away for air. I sit inches from his face. He smiles. "Wow." He says. I blush and he pecks my lips.

I slowly get up an he follows me out. We join the rest of the guys on the couch and it's silent for a few moments. "I know what happened when I left. " Liam says breaking the silence. Me and Niall share a look. "You d-" Niall stops me with his finger. "What exactly, did we do?" Niall says keeping his finger in front of my mouth to keep me quiet. "You ate more candy." Liam says annoyed. I nod. "Yes. Yes. That's what we did we are, terrible, terrible people." I say trying to sound ashamed. Niall nods sadly. "Well, you obviously need a punishment." Liam says. We nod reluctantly. "So, no junk food, and no being alone in Niall's room, for the rest of the week." He says a little sadly. I try not to show my anger. I hold my breath and Niall grabs my arm. I let it out. "Okay." I finally muster.

I stand up and Niall follows me. "Where are you two going?" Liam calls after us. "My room." I smirk. I don't hear a no. We walk up the stairs and once we are in privacy he pins me against the wall. "At least we can be in your room alone." He smirks. I smile. And he kisses me. I kiss back and yeah....i'm not going into detail. But dang is he a good kisser. And he is so sexy. 😏


Hey. I decided to make this more than two chapters because I'm enjoying it so much! I haven't gotten any requests yet that I know of, so I guess I will just go till I get one. And I'm serious now. YOU NEED to comment an idea for me. I don't like ghost readers. In fact I HATE GHOST READERS! DONT BE ONE.

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Love yaks! (if you aren't a ghost reader)

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