My own Fanfic

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So this fanfic will be about a girl named Lyra and Liam from 1D!

Hope you ❤️!


I hate one direction! They always find there way onto the stupid radio! I can't believe people even listen to them screeching into a microphone and writing the most ridiculous songs ever. If you ever need me to talk about a murder or something, just play a one direction song and I will either kill myself or tell you what you need to know. Then go kill myself.

I hit the button that turns off the radio and turn back to the road. I'm almost to Starbucks. I race into the parking lot and screech to a stop. I grab my coupon wallet and keys.

I practically run up to the counter I'm so excited. "Hello Lyra, the usual?" The guy asks. I nod. I come here so often, everyone that works here knows my name and my drink. Vanilla Bean Frappuccino with caramel. I stand at the pickup and line and pull out my phone. I hear them say my name and take my drink. I slurp it down and drink most of it before I make it to a seat. I plop down and keep browsing my phone.

I hear the door open and the bell rings. I don't even glance up to see who it is. As long as they don't come near me I'm okay. I here squeals coming from the counter and that gets my attention but I'm so focused on beating my high score on flappy bird I don't look away. I hear a deep accent. "Hi there." I don't bother to look until I die. Dang it.

I look up and see the one and only, One Direction. Out of all the bands to come, one direction comes. 😒. I roll my eyes and turn back to my phone. I hear them all walk past me. I don't even bother to turn and look when one talks to me. "Hi there." I ignore the person and focus on flappy bird. Don't die don't die don't die. He reaches down and yanks the phone out of my hand.

"Hey!" I exclaim standing up. I hear the bird fall. I fold my arms. "Gee, thanks, I was just about to beat my high score." I say crabbily. "Oops." He says looking down at the screen. He has shaggy looking hair and wears a grey t-shirt. He actually doesn't look that bad. Wait, no, I hate these guys. I lunge at him and snatch my phone away.

He reaches back for it and I pull it away. "Liam!" A guy with a mop on his head calls out. "Just a second." 'Liam' calls back. "Would you like to come hang out with us?" He asks me. "Are you kidding me?" I ask him. He perks up. "No!" I say like a school girl. And plop back down in my seat. His smile turns to a frown. "Why not?" he pouts. "Because I hate your band." I say snottily. He looks shocked. "Wow. I've never met anyone who hates our band." He says sitting next to me.

"Well today's your lucky day!" I say turning away from him. "Please, just spend the day with us, and if I can't change your mind, I'll never talk to you again." He says going around to the side I'm facing. I think a little. Then i realize. He has never talked to me in the first place. "No!" I say. "Fine, then I will just have to keep finding you daily to annoy you." He says folding his arms. Dang it. He can't find me, can he? He probably could. "Fine." I say. "But no talking to me, no coming near me, and I don't want to even hear you." I say. "Then what's the point?" he says sounding annoyed. "I don't know." I say shrugging. "Whatever, you said you would come, so your coming." He says grabbing my hand.

He drags me out of the building and I trudge out reluctantly. As we pass a garbage I quickly finish my Frappuccino and toss it into the garbage. "Wait, my car!" I say reaching to it as he pulls me into a limo. "You can get it later!" he whines. I groan and slouch in the seat. The other boys climb in and I end up smashed up against, what was his name again? The one with the shaggy hair. And the one with blonde hair. "Hey Joe!" The one with the black quiff shouts. "Turn on the radio!" "Alright!" He calls back. In a second the radio turns on and of course, one direction is playing.

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