Part 2 Intro

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Ello! I started to write this, and then I thought it would be better as part of the intro, so...this is just the introduction continued! Thank ya!

There is a quiet knock on my door.

I just got back from what was probably the worst night of my life.

I just caught my boyfriend, Nash Grier, cheating on me. I don't think this night could possibly get any worse.

"Come in." I say, violently wiping tears off my face with my sweater.

"Emma?" Matt's face appears, as he peeks around my bedroom door.

"Hey Matt." I sniffle.

"Aw, Emma, what happened?" He asks walking towards me.

I feel the tears coming back. I take a deep, shaky, breath.

"I caught Nash cheating on me." I say, pulling my knees to my chest.

He wraps his arms around me, and pulls me close to him. I relax in his arms, and try to forget about the depressing things that happened a few hours ago.

"Don't think about him. He was a jerk to you. He isn't worth it." He says, bringing his hand through my hair.

I smile. This is why I like Matt so much. He is a goofball all the time, and can embarrass you, tease you, annoy the crap out of you, and then he does things like this. Things that make you forget about how much he gets on your nerves. Then, once you feel all better, and you are smiling, not crying anymore, he says stuff like this:

"Well, I guess you will be going back home now. See ya!" He turns around and starts to leave.

"Hey!" I yell, and throw a pillow at him. Now I understand why they are called 'throw' pillows. Ha. See that. See what I did.

"Just because I hate him, doesn't mean I hate everyone else here. I'm not going anywhere. Besides, what better way to get back at him, than making him jealous?" I say, stopping him from opening the door.

"Mhm. And how do you plan on making him jealous?" He folds his arms and smiles confidently.

I smirk. "With you of course!" I say, then I open my door, push him out, and close the door on his stunned face.

I smile and skip over to my bed. On the outside I may be feeling better, but deep down, I still want Nash to come to my door and ask me to take him back. I know even if he did that, I couldn't say yes. Even though seeing that he still wants me would make me feel a little better.

3 months later....

"Emma, please talk to me!" Nash begs as I walk through the airport.

I shake my head 'no'. The clicks of my suitcase on the floor annoy me, so I grab my bag and carry it by the handle.

"Please! I won't see you in 6 months, and I still don't know if you forgive me! Please! This will kill me the whole time you're gone." He tries to reason with me. But, I won't be persuaded to acknowledge his presence.

I just keep my eyes locked in front of me, and try to tune him out.

He grabs my hand. "Please, give me a second chance." He is really ticking me off.

I stop and look at him. His eyes are filled with sadness.

I secretly still like him, I just can't find a way to take him back. I guess I'm just afraid that he will break my heart again.

I shake my head 'no' vigorously, trying to shake the thought of me kissing him out of my head.

I pull my hand from his, and continue to my gate.

Once I reach my gate, I pull out my headphones and start to listen to some music. Hopefully that will take my mind off of things.

I close my eyes, and tilt my head back.

I'm going to where my dad lives. New York. He left me and my mom and little brother when I was just starting Kindergarten. I never saw him after that. For some reason, he just called me, and asked me to come visit him in NY. He didn't give an explanation or anything. I didn't say anything at first, because I was so shocked to hear him. It had been 12 years since I heard his voice. I don't know what's going to happen, or what I'm supposed to say or do. I just hope he doesn't yell or hurt me.

"Now boarding First Class." The lady said over the speaker. I stood up and handed her my ticket. My dad even payed for the flight. He's been acting strange lately. Like, nice strange.


The plane ride seemed slow, and was really boring. When I got of the plane, I saw a sign that read: Emma. I felt a confused look come to my face.

"Ah, the lovely Emma, how are you this evening?" The guy asked me when I approached him.

"I'm okay. D-Do you know what's going on?" I ask, still very confused and tired.

He chuckles softly. "Your father said he would explain everything when you arrived. Please, follow me." He says, gesturing for me to follow.

I do what he asks. The whole thing still feels a little sketchy. Will I be murdered? Will they peel my skin off me while I am still alive? Okay, that was a little graphic.

He leads me to a black limousine. He opens the back door and gestures for me to climb in. I thank him, and step in hesitantly. I can't believe my dad sent a limousine for me. I take in the decorations on the inside of the limo. Fake grapes in a bowl with a wine bottle resting on top, sitting next to a flat screen tv. A mini fridge is below the tv, with a sign that says: Help Yourself Em. :).

I open the fridge carefully. My jaw drops. The fridge is filled with all kinds of goodness. Cheesecake, chocolate sauce, truffles, sodas, sparkling water, iced tea, pudding, jello, whip cream, chocolate cake, pie, and chocolate dipped strawberries. I can't even see if there is anything behind all this stuff.

After I have eaten myself sick, I look up and see that we have pulled into driveway. I gulp down the last of my sparkling water. I'm nervous to see his house. Is it big, small, ugly, just an outhouse?

Finally, a giant tan house is revealed. A garden sits next to the driveway, and goes all the way up to the front door. The driveway goes around the house to the backside, where a spot is open for the limo. Instead of parking there, he drops me off by the back door.

"He said that you can just go in and make yourself at home." He smiles.

I smile back, and thank him before closing the door and turning to look at the enormous house.

I walk up to the door. It takes all of my strength to reach out and grab the door handle. I let out a deep breath when I grasp it tightly. Finally, after mentally motivating myself to open the door, I pull the door out and breath in the smell of his house. Garlicy?

"Hello?" I say, not moving from the doorway. It seems like my voice echoes through the whole house.

"Emma? Is that you?"

Is that voice.....feminine?




The book I chose for this update is "It All Started With An Apple." By: ? I don't remember the name. (Sorry) It is published now, and deserves to be. It is SOOOOO AMAZING! Go add it to your library, right NOW!

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 03, 2014 ⏰

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