Chapter 2:

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"It looks like our topic is going to be the coal mines." Peeta says, looking over the worksheet that was handed out. His ashy blond hair falls slightly over his eyes and he quickly reaches up to push it out of the way. "Do you know anything about them?"

"Not really." I mutter. "My dad used to work in the coal mines here but my parents moved away from District 12 before I was born."

"Where did they move to?" He asks. "If you don't mind me asking." He adds on. 

"I grew up in District 11, but my family is native to 12." I explain. Peeta looks like he wants to ask more, but he restrains himself and looks back at the assignment. 

"Well, I don't know much about the mines either. We live on the other side of town, in the square." He smiles. "So I guess we'll just have to do some research. And maybe your dad can help us out."

My heart sinks. "Umm," I start, not knowing what to say. "yeah maybe." I trail off. I just met this boy. There's no need to tell him all the intimate details of my life. I look at the list of assignment requirements and my eyebrows raise at the last bullet. "It says we have to do a lot of the research outside of class."

"You're welcome to come over to my house. It's not all that quiet, but it's better than nothing." He say, rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly. 

"Better than my place. There are so many cardboard boxes sitting around that I can barely walk." I say.

"Did I see you walking around with Madge this morning?" He changes the subject.

 I nod. "They put her on new-kid-babysitter duty." Peeta laughs at that. "She seems nice. Do you know her?" 

"Yeah, we're good friends." He states. He is chewing furiously on the end of his mechanical pencil and it makes a little clicking sound every time it twists between his teeth. Normally I wouldn't notice such a small movement, but it makes me grin because I do the same thing when I'm thinking deeply. "Anyway." He clears his throat, once again circling back to the project. "Here's what I do know. District 12 was founded by miners who had been traveling from some of the older, surrounding districts to find extra work. The Seam is the oldest part of town because that's where the miners live. Once the civilization started to grow, struggling business owners flocked here to create monopolies on things the miners desperately needed. That's how the town square came to be."

"Wow." I say. "That's way more than I could tell you."

He shrugs, brushing it off. "That's all I got. So we better crack open the textbook tonight."

"Tonight?" I ask, confused. 

Peeta smirks. "Working on the project. I said you could come over to my house. Weren't you listening?"

I breathe out. "I didn't know you meant today."

He raises an eyebrow. "Do you have other plans?"

"Well, no." I start and he cuts me off. 

"Perfect. We'll go after school." He says in a very strong and confident tone. This boy seems really sure of himself, and doesn't seem like he'll take no for an answer.

"Sounds good." I mutter just as the bell rings and everyone starts to pack up their things. "Peeta!" I call out before he walks away.

"What's up?"

I sigh. "Sorry if I sound like a lame new kid, but where is Mr. Abernathy's room?"

He squints, as if trying to recall. "Opposite end of this hallway. In the english wing."

"Thank you." I say gratefully. 

"No problem." He smiles again. "I'll see you later, Katniss." He says with a feeling of intensity before walking out of the room backwards, his eyes staying glued to mine until he turns down the hall.

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