Chapter 3:

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After study hall ends, I follow Madge out of the classroom. She invited me to join her and her friends at lunch, so at least I won't have to deal with sitting alone and looking like a freak. If Madge's friends are as kind as she is, I'm sure we'll get along okay.  We're walking leisurely in silence when someone comes flying from behind us and wraps an arm around Madge's shoulder. She instantly starts to laugh.

"Peeta! You scared me!" She jokes and Peeta laughs as well. 

"My bad." He grins, then glances beyond Madge. "Hey, Katniss." His smile is a bright one that seems to shine and glisten in the harsh fluorescent light of the hallway. 

"Have you two met?" Madge appears to be surprised.

I nod. "We're project partners." I hope I'm not coming off as shy. The whole making-friends thing is still a new concept for me. 

"Well," Madge says. "Then I guess I don't have to introduce you to each other." She shrugs as we finally approach the cafeteria. 

I'm astonished at just how big it is, and the sheer number of students milling around. There are three different levels, filled with round tables and plastic chairs. My old school was pretty small-- just the kids from my neighborhood-- so this is a little daunting to me. I continue to follow Madge and Peeta as they approach an empty table in the back corner of the top level. Madge insists that I sit in between the two of them, and we take three seats against the wall. This spot gives a perfect vantage point to see everything else that's going on in the room. 

"This table has the best view for people-watching." Peeta laughs. 

"It's our favorite sport." Madge agrees. It's almost as if they read my mind. How did they know that I was thinking the exact same thing. "If anyone ever wanted to observe high schoolers in their natural habitat, this would be the place to do it." I've always considered myself a pretty observant person, and I guess Madge and Peeta are too. 

Just as Madge is about to open her mouth and say something, a very large boy with bronze hair and stunning sea-green eyes falls into the chair next her with a resounding thud. "I'm quitting school. It's too much work, I can't do it." He huffs, crossing his arms over hi chest. 

"Nice to see you too, Finnick." Peeta says sarcastically. 

The boy, I'm guessing is named Finnick, laughs at that and then squints at me. "Let me guess," His smirk grows a little wider. "New kid."

Madge puts her hand on my shoulder. "This is Katniss. She's from District 11." I smile but can't think of anything to say.

Finnick reaches his arm across Madge and extends his hand to me. "I'm Finnick. From District 4."

I shake his hand and am shocked at how strong and sturdy his grip is. The skin of his hand is smooth against the rough callouses of my own palm.

"Wow, that's pretty far away." I say and he shrugs. 

"We moved when I was middle school, so I'm used to 12 by now." Just as he finishes speaking, two girls come up to the table and fill in the remaining seats between Finnick and Peeta. 

The red haired girl leans over and kisses Finnick, so I think it's safe to assume that they're a couple. The brunette with clean cut bangs falling over her forehead immediately sets her dark brown eyes on me. "Who's this?" She asks of no one in particular. 

Madge speaks up again. "This is Katniss. She just moved here from District 11." Her gaze then turns toward me and motions to the brunette. "Johanna is from District 7, and Annie" she points to the redhead, "is also from District 4."

"You guys really are from all over Panem." I state. 

Peeta finally speaks up. "Madge has always considered herself the welcoming committee of District 12."

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