Stiles Stilinski - Id Call It Cheating #2

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"Excuse me?" Derek demanded.
"She's your daughter," Stiles repeated.
Derek fixed a green-eyed glare on him, his head whipping toward the younger boy. "I heard what she said, you idiot."
"He's only trying to help me," you cut in, stepping closer to Stiles. "And I know this sounds crazy, and you have a right not to trust me, but I can prove it. I came here looking for you last night, but I found Stiles and his friends instead."
"In my loft?" Derek demanded, glancing around the open space. Luckily you and the others had cleaned up after the pizza party, and the evidence of last night was pretty much gone.
"They were coming to see if you made it back yet," you told him, your eyes flicking to Stiles. "We were both looking for you. That's how we started talking."
Derek stared at you, taking in your features. You were young, but not too young for what you were saying to be completely inconceivable. After a few seconds, he finally spoke.
"You didn't have many werewolves around growing up, did you?" he asked.
You swallowed. "How'd you know?"
"Fatherly instincts," Stiles joked, nudging your arm.
You and Derek both shot a glare at him, but then the older man smirked. "No one taught you the right way to lie, Y/n."
Your throat seemed to dry up completely. "I-I swear, I'm-"
"I don't care what you did in my loft," Derek immediately snapped as his gaze whipped over to Stiles. "Whatever it was, don't do it again, or-"
"I know, I know," Stiles said with a roll of his eyes. "You'll rip my throat out with your teeth. I got it."
"Good. Now get out."
Your shoulders slumped in relief after you realized he was calling you out for lying about Stiles and not trying to reject you, but when he told him to beat it, you tensed up again. The awkward brunette had been your only comfort through this whole situation, and you thought that maybe you had brought him some too.
The thought of him not being by your side for this scared you, and it apparently scared him too, because he grabbed your hand and glared at Derek. "No way!"
Derek glanced at your clasped hands and raised his eyebrows. You blushed and pulled your hand out of Stiles', and then took a deep breath.
"It's fine, Stiles. I'll be fine."
He frowned, but then looked back at Derek. "I'll be right outside the door."
He stalked over to the heavy metal door, glaring back at Derek the whole time, until he finally opened it and slipped through. It shut with a slam, and Derek looked over at you with that smirk still on his face. "He likes you."
You felt your lips twitch upward, but all you said was "Yeah."
"So you think you're my kid?"
You nodded. "Yeah. My mom, Y/m/n Y/l/n, she was with you at a party when you were, like, sixteen."
Derek's green eyes grew stormy. "Y/m/n? No, that makes sense actually...a lot of sense. How is she?"
"Uh, actually, she died a few years ago, but I didn't even know who she was," you explained. "Your uncle was the one who helped with the adoption."
"Peter?" Derek growled.
You nodded carefully. "Malia's dad, apparently."
"Yeah," Derek confirmed, looking at the floor. "I would say I'm surprised he kept this from me, but...I'm not."
"Malia mentioned he was..."
"...not the best," you finished. "Which kind of scared me, but I still wanted to come meet you."
"Why?" he asked, crossing his arms over his chest. "Why now?"
"I only found out about this recently," you admitted. "I wanted to know about my family, my blood family. It's easy to get forgotten and left out with my adopted family. There's just so many of us, and I've always wondered what it would be like to know my real parents. When I found out my mom was dead, the only thing left was..."
"Me," Derek finished softly.
"Yeah," you whispered. "But you seem like you've got a good thing going here. I mean, Scott and Stiles really seem to trust you. I just don't want to get in the way."
Derek stood there for a few moments, probably still trying to come to terms with the fact that he had a child. You knew that wasn't an easy thing to dump on someone, and if he completely turned you away, you weren't going to blame him.
"Of course not," he finally said.
"What?" you asked.
"Of course I'm not going to turn you away. I don't know what Stiles told you, but I'm not a monster."
You blinked. "Actually, he told me you were alright."
Derek raised his eyebrows. "Really?"
"I don't know how much they told you about me, Y/n, but my family-your family-used to be pretty big. A lot of them died in a fire. For a while it was only me and Peter, and then Cora and Malia showed up out of the blue...what I'm trying to say is that I don't have a lot of family anymore, but I'd love a chance to get some back."
You swallowed, and felt tears pricking your eyes. "You mean, you want me to stay?"
"If you want to," he offered. "If you're not comfortable, we can get to know each other and then see how you feel about it. I could tell you about our family, and you could get to know the others better. You do need a pack, right?"
You nodded, and Derek smiled. "Scott has a soft spot for strays, so if you wanted to stay, I think you'd be happy here."
You nodded vigorously, unable to speak for fear you might start crying. You had come to Derek's with no idea of what to expect, and you were met with more than you had ever dreamed. He barely even knew you, yet he was offering to take you into his pack, to give you a home. Even after you were adopted, the sense of belonging was hard to grasp, but here, you had the strange feeling that it wouldn't be.
"Here," he said, gesturing toward the couch you and Stiles had fallen asleep on the night before. "Sit. We can talk."
Derek went up the twisting staircase for a box of tissues, and you sank down into the soft cushions. You wanted so desperately to share this with Stiles, but you figured he was probably outside with his ear up against the door anyway. You could practically see him, slumped against the doorway with his tongue sticking out of his mouth in concentration.
Not like you had ever seen him do it, and you had by no means thought anything about Stiles' tongue before (okay, maybe you had), but you imagined it was something he would do.
Derek's footsteps started to echo back down the steps, and you took a deep breath. You were finally getting to learn about your family, and maybe even learn about your mom. Maybe Derek could shed some light on her, and himself, and maybe, like he said, you could be comfortable in Beacon Hills.
When the door screeched open, Stiles stumbled back to avoid getting side-swiped by it. He had been leaning up against it, "not" trying to listen in for about an hour, and every minute you were alone with Derek made him more and more hopeful.
He had connected with you last night, and he knew how much you wanted to get to know Derek. Maybe you would never get to know your mom, but Stiles knew that if the werewolf could drop the gruff act, Derek could be the connection you never got to make.
The minute the door opened, Stiles knew you and Derek had made that connection. There was none of the rigid awkwardness that had been there when you first came eye to eye with Derek. The two of you were laughing as you came outside, and Stiles straightened up.
Derek stood in the doorway as you stopped by Stiles, but you both stared at each other hesitantly, as if you weren't sure how to say goodbye. You lifted up your arms slightly as he began to do the same, but you both stopped halfway, like you had forgotten how to hug.
"You guys are definitely related," Stiles said with a grin.
"Shut up, Stiles," you and Derek told him in unison.
This only caused him to grin wider, and wink at you. You rolled your eyes and turned back to Derek, who was smiling softly. "Thank you for everything."
"You don't have to leave," he reminded you. "I don't mind you staying for another night."
"I know. But I have to check in with my adoptive parents. Besides, I'll be back. I still need a pack, right?"
Derek nodded and stepped forward, and this time there was no awkwardness between you. He brought you into his arms in a firm but gentle squeeze, and you wrapped your arms around him. "Thank you."
You had already said it, but you didn't think you would ever be able to stop. Coming to Beacon Hills had given you more than you ever expected, and Derek's kindness still felt like a dream to you.
He patted your back in response, and then you pulled away and headed down the hall, slinging your duffle bag over your shoulder.
"See you soon," he called.
You turned around and nodded, and then turned your back on him a final time.
"So," Stiles said as you headed down the steps. "How'd it go?"
"How do you think it went?" you asked, raising your eyebrows at him.
"Well, Derek was hugging you, which is something I'm not sure I've ever seen him do to anyone, so I'm guessing it went well."
"You're a genius, Stilinski."
"Hey. No need to be so sarcastic."
You laughed. "It was amazing. He told me about his sister Laura, about my grandma Talia...I even have an aunt who's still alive."
"Yeah. And she's only a few years older than me."
"Yeah and she's got the same attitude."
You grinned and met Stiles' bright brown eyes. "Thank you so much."
"For acknowledging your attitude?"
"You know what I mean...for staying with me, for talking to me...making me feel understood."
He shrugged. "You made me feel understood."
"You had to my back," you continued, running your hand along the rail of the staircase. "Even when Derek looked like he wanted to kill us. You could have just left me there, but you didn't."
He shook his head. "I don't like leaving people behind...and I especially wouldn't leave you."
You raised your eyebrows as you came to the bottom of the stairs. "Is that right?"
"Yeah," he said, gulping. "Cause you're cool."
Your lips twitched. "I'm cool?"
"Yeah," he continued hoarsely. "And you're funny, and we obviously have a lot in common."
"Is that the only reason?" you prompted.
He narrows his eyes at you. "This so isn't fair. You already know don't you? You can tell with your werewolf superpowers."
You rolled your eyes. "I wouldn't call them powers."
"Actually, neither would I. I'd call it cheating."
"So why don't you just spit it out, Stiles?"
He pressed his lips together in a tight line, then glanced up the steps, probably to make sure Derek wasn't anywhere close. "Fine. I'm crushing on you. Is it that obvious?"
You grinned. "I'd be able to tell even if I wasn't a werewolf."
Stiles sighed. "Damn."
"Hey," you said softly, reaching out to touch his cheek. "I'm flattered."
"Y-you are?"
"Mmhm," you murmured, leaning closer.
You silenced his stuttering with a kiss, and he let out a shocked groan. You grinned against his lips and nipped at his bottom lip, and he tangled his fingers into your hair. They slowly moved down to wrap around your waist, and you sighed into his mouth. Your duffle bag hit the floor with thump, and you felt happier than you had all day.
"You sure you're not leaving?" he croaked when you separated.
"Good, because after that, I'm gonna need a signed contract promising you'll stay."
You laughed and hitched your bag back onto your shoulder. You opened the door of the lobby and headed out into the daylight with Stiles following behind you, thinking that you couldn't wait to be in Beacon Hills for good.

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