Isaac - Im only human

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"Seriously? He was ALL OVER YOU!" Isaac yelled at you causing you to flinch, he had never raised his voice at you before

"Isaac I pushed him away! BUT I'M ONLY HUMAN!" you yelled back feeling anger rise inside you because he knew you weren't the strongest person in this world

"So his lips, just magically nearly touched yours? Huh?" he spat looking at you in disgust

"I slapped him Isaac. Were you even paying attention?" you asked grabbing his jersey pulling him down to look at you.

"Isaac Lahey, you better calm the fuck down. Because you're acting like a child right now. You know I would never hurt you, so stop it." you said softly looking at him sink into the ground shaking harshly.

"(Y/N), how can I relax.. He's more open than me, handsome, funny, and isn't afraid to show you off like you deserve.." he said softly, his voice cracking in between his sentence

"How can I compete with a guy who's beyond me.. I was lucky enough to get you to agree to be my girlfriend because we both know that you're way out of my league." he said softly now the tears slowly beginning to slide down his face.

You sat next to him softly cupping his face in the most gentle way possible hoping he wouldn't flinch to your touch, as you turned his head he looked into your eyes

"Isaac, baby, listen to me. I don't need a man who is trying to show me off as a prize, I don't need a man who is openly funny, who flirts with other people, I don't need anyone who isn't you. You are my rock and I am your anchor. You can't get jealous because you feel threatened, Isaac there is no one else that could threaten this relationship. I love you." you said kissing his forehead, holding his hands squeezing them for support.

"I love that you're more reserved, and only funny when it's me and you, I love that you only show me off when you want to because you want to genuinely show others your happy not because you want anyone to envy you. I love you for you Isaac Lahey. Now stop second guessing yourself so I can show off my incredibly sensitive and loving boyfriend." you say kissing his lips softly getting up from the floor pulling his arm up in the process as he smiled at you

"I love you (Y/N)." he said wrapping an arm around you dipping you slowly kissing you intensely before exiting the room to face Beacon Hills once again,
but as always you wouldn't be facing it alone.

Not when you have your rock and he had his anchor.

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