His Nickname For You

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Scott: "Love"
He loves to call you this ever since you first said "I love you". He remembers the way you were so shocked when he finally said it to you. He remembers the way your eyes lit up so wide and the biggest smile grew on your face. Scott loves to make you blush and smile by calling you love. His favourite thing is when he just randomly calls you it, and you shiver every time because it makes you so happy. Just the word coming out of his mouth can make your day.

Stiles: "Babe/Baby"
Stiles, being the sarcastic human that he is, only really uses pet names in two circumstances; if he's making a stupid comment or really looking after you. For example, if you're both in class and you get something wrong, he will say something snarky like "Seriously babe? You didn't get that?" Stiles does it purposely because he knows you blush and cringe at his words. But then you can also get sensitive Stiles, the one who really loves you and will do anything to care for you. If you're upset or worried about something, he will gently rub your back and place a kiss on the top of your head, whispering soft words like "You can do this baby" and "I love you, baby" just because he can, and just because he loves you.

Derek: "Princess"
Derek loves to spoil you and treat you like royalty. Like his princess. You love the way he will compliment you randomly, whether it be on something small like he likes the way your hair looks, or something big, such as he loves the way your eyes light up when he walks in the room. Derek knows that you have a really long day with school and then work straight after, so when you get time to go to his loft, he makes a big deal for you. He will relax you by giving you massages and telling his princess how much he loves her and playing with your hair to make you melt into his arms. It's in those special moments that Derek realises he will never get so lucky in life then when he managed to get you to be his princess.

Liam: "Bub"
You hate this nickname so much, but at the same time you love it with all your heart. It started off when you were teasing Liam over text and you tried to call him "a silly little pup" but it autocorrected as "bub". He then turned the teasing on you and now calls you this nickname to annoy the hell out of you. But you don't mind really, because it comes from Liam. If it was anyone, you would snap their arm off at the elbow, but because it was YOUR Liam that did the messing around, you didn't care. You loved it. But he was never to find out ;)

Isaac: "Beautiful"
Isaac loves to make you feel good...yes like that but also by simply calling you nicknames that make you smile. If he knows that you're feeling down, he will make an extra effort to make you feel special. He will do simple things like kiss you for a long time, buy you flowers or hug you tightly, or it could be massive gestures like taking you out for dinner. He knew you dealt with body image issues and constantly doubted yourself, but he told you not to. He makes you feel like a princess and would do anything to make sure you knew it. Isaac loves you with his whole heart and won't ever let you forget it.

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