He Says I Love You

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Scott McCall
I couldn't wrap my head around what just happened. Scott told me he loved me. He didn't even realize he said it. He just said it and then went to lacrosse practice. Even worse now it seems as if he was avoiding me. I sighed slamming my head against my locker.
"ew you reek of desperation what's got you so emotionally unstable?" My bestfriend Malia asked opening her locker that was beside mine.
"nothing it's just that Scott might have said a thing but I'm not sure if he meant that thing he said and I guess if he didn't mean it that would be okay but I want him to mean it and now I'm worried that he'll be weired out that I want him to mean it and you know now he's avoiding me which makes me think he actually didn't mean it and I'm just so confused and that's why I can't stop rambling." I said finally stopping to take a deep breath.
"well what did he say?" Malia asked slamming her locker door shut.
"well he said I love you." I said looking at my shoes.
"wow." She said looking at me.
"yeah I know." I sighed again.
"well good luck with that." Malia said walking away.
"thanks for all your help." I called.
I let Lydia give me a ride home, I knew I couldn't face Scott at least not yet. I was sitting at the kitchen island doing my homework when there was a knock on the door. I opened it to reveal Scott. He was smiling like the cute puppy that he is. I wondered if he was here to talk about the thing.
"hey did I leave my lacrosse jersey here?" He asked.
I rolled my eyes. Really Scott really?
"I don't remember where I put it." He added looking in his lacrosse bag.
"Yeah you don't remember a lot of things lately." I mumbled hoping he wouldn't hear.
"wait what?" He asked stopping what he was doing and looked at me.
"No your jersey isn't here. Need anything else?" I asked.
Scott gave me a confused look.
"are we okay?" Scott asked grabbing my shoulders.
"Yeah I'm fine. I'll see you at the game tonight." I said not looking at him.
"okay well I love you." He said dropping his hands and picking his lacrosse bag back up.
My head snapped up as soon as the words left his lips.
"what did you just say?" I asked
"I said I love you. I told you earlier today. Did you not hear me?" He asked confused.
"I did but I didn't think you knew you said it and then you were ignoring me and that made me think that you didn't actually mean what you said and I was just so confused..." I started but was cut off by Scott's lips on mine.
"of course I meant it. I wasn't ignoring or at least wasn't trying to I was just busy. But I mean it when I say I love you y/n." Scott said resting his forehead against mine.
"I love you too Scott."

Stiles Stilinski
It was as if my whole world was falling apart. I was trying to stay positive but the realization that my Stiles might be gone killed me. He was being possessed by an evil fox spirit and we had been trying everything to get him back but nothing was working. I was sitting on Scott's couch as the pack discussed what to do next.
"killing him might be our only option." Aiden said crossing his arms.
I stood up balling my fists.
"you even try to hurt him I swear to god I'll take a handful of wolfsbane and shove it down your throat." I growled at Aiden.
Aiden's eyes got wide as I threatened him.
"look nobody is hurting or killing anyone okay were going to figure this out." Scott said sighing.
I sat back down silently praying that we could get my Stiles back. I missed him. I missed how nervous he got around me and I miss how he geeked about everything. I was craving his touch and his lips. It killed me that he wasn't here right now. The worst part is I think I'm in love with him and I'll never get to tell him. Scott was about to say something else when the lights started flickering before going out completely.
"what's going on?" Lydia asked panicking.
I heard Aiden growl and then glass shattering.
"It's the oni and void, y/n Lydia get out of here." Scott yelled.
I found Lydia's hand in the dark and we started to sprint up the stairs. We got to the top but there was an oni blocking it. It pushed Lydia down the stairs before turning to me. I ran back down the stairs heading for Scott's back door. I stopped seeing who was blocking the door.
"Stiles." I breathed.
I knew it wasn't him but I needed it to be.
"think again." The void said laughing and approaching me.
I took a couple steps back but there was two oni members blocking me in.
"oops looks like you're stuck here with me." Void said laughing again.
I started to have a panic attack.
"Stiles please. I know you're still in there. Please don't do this. Stiles please." I begged with tears in my eyes and in between shaky breaths.
Suddenly Void screamed. It looked like it was in pain.
"Y/n go now." Stiles screamed moving out of the way.
"Stiles?" I asked with tears in my eyes.
"hurry up I can't fight it for long." Stiles said groaning in pain.
I knew at that moment I should've ran but instead I walked over and kissed his lips. I needed him and I knew that if I didn't do it now I might regret it.
"please y/n I don't want to hurt you. I love you." Stiles said letting a tear slip down his cheek.
Stiles pushed me towards the door and I ran. I ran until I couldn't see the house anymore. I stopped to take a breath when I realized...
I didn't say it back.

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