Chapter 1

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When the final bell rang, I threw my books in my locker and grabbed my bag. I slammed the door with an ear splitting “bang!” I ran out into the parking lot, narrowly avoiding the passing cars.

I don’t know how it happened and it didn’t matter. I was goofing off. The last thing I remember was waving goodbye to one of my friends, turning my back for a split second. That’s when is happened.

I heard a crash and felt a horrific jolt as I was struck to the ground. Bits of glass and steel flew everywhere, a large mass, shielding me.  My body seemed to fold in on itself, and my head smacked against cool concrete. I heard myself scream and the world went dark.

I awakened and it was very quiet. A figure was standing over me, wings outstretched. My vision was still blurred but I could make out the face of my “rescuer”.

I sat up and looked around, “If this is heaven, “I shook my head at my untended backyard, “I want a refund. And I want to know how the hell you got in.”

“I,” he winked, “am your guardian angel.”

“No, you’re my parole officer, one of the many.”

He shrugged, “Close enough.”

I began to walk inside, leaving him behind me. I wasn’t in the mood to fight. Not with him. Not now.

He caught up faster than should have been possible, if he were human. “Would you try to stay alive? Killing yourself won’t keep us away, you know?

“I know,” I decided to have some fun, “Worth a shot through.”

He didn’t laugh, “That wouldn’t make him feel better about this unfortunate event, not that I’m going to tell them.”

“I don’t give a crap about him or how he feels.”

“You should.”

“Why? He doesn’t care about what I think. He doesn’t give a damn about how I feel! Why should I care about him?”

“Because, you value your life,” with that he vanished, leaving me completely alone. Don’t get me wrong, I enjoyed the little privacy this gave me, but I had just been screwed. Again

Damn. Why could they just never speak the plain truth? You see, fey don’t lie. What I mean is that they can’t lie. “That’s what the others said.” Word games. I had enjoyed them about a year ago. Now they were starting to piss me off.

I closed the door and walked to my kitchen, grabbing a Coke and bag of chips. I considered my status at this moment: avoided death, saved by Cutsuo.  Not that I would tweet that.

Although… could you imagine the comments if I changed my status from “Stressed about this year’s finals, gods I hate school” to “Just cheated death and saved by I fairy I’ve been avoiding since his king messed up my life. Gods I hate the fey king”?

Ya, I know, not a good idea. All things considered, I was having an extremely shity day.

I looked at the clock. 4:10. I had another 20 miniutes until the 4:30 guard, Jack I think his name was, arrived to keep watch until 7 when, just like every Friday, I would be summoned.  

I let my mind wonder until I realized I had no idea what was going on in their world since I hadn’t been there for the last three weeks. I really needed to update my knowledge of fey gossip.

Another glance at the clock. 10 minutes. I that it was cutting my time a little close but then again, I didn’t care. I looked at the clock, 9 minutes. I looked outside, no guard.

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