Chapter 4

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As I lay in my room, staring up at the flowering scene on the celling, I thought over my meeting with Prince Darien. The worst part was that Cutsuo, loyal to his king, had sworn to protect me, meaning he would have to tell Alexander all about the day’s events.

Damn. He wasn’t going to be happy about this, and no way in hell would I be able to visit the garden again.

In a flash, I was suddenly in the main hall.

“You deliberately, disobeyed me.”

I hung my head, not willing to look at him.

“Not only did you leave the palace, but you… you…” he broke off and came to stand in front of me.

“I’ve told you to stay away from them. It’s dangerous. You could have gotten hurt, or worse.”

“I’m sorry,” I said in I whisper.

“I have tried so hard to keep you safe and in minutes you ruin all the work I’ve done.”

“I’m sorry,” I said again.

“Why? Why were you so recluse?”

 “I just wanted to sit in the garden.” My words were barely even loud enough form my own ears, but he could still here them.

“Oh my love,” he sighed wrapping me in his arms. A soft comforting hug. “Why didn’t you just tell me?”

“I didn’t think you would allow it.”

“Rosa. Anything for you.” He placed a kiss on top of my head and stepped back.

“You may go to the garden if you like but I want guards with you at all times. Alright?”

I nodded.

“Ok then. You may go change for dinner. We have a party to attend as you know.”

Of course I knew. Tomorrow was the Litha. The first day of summer, the Summer Solstice.

I nodded and then made my leave.

Back in my room, I searched through my huge wardrobe, trying to find dress to wear that wasn’t too old fashioned. Like always I found nothing. I picked out a beautiful purple dress and decided, old isn’t always bad. It was perfect, and new. I had never seen it before and could tell, despite its ancient appearance, it had never been worn… until now.

As I walked to Alex’s room, I passed several palace fey who ooed and ahhed, bowed and scurried away.

“Lovely gown Miss Rosala.”

“Very beautiful.”

“My admiration, Mistress.”

Don’t get me wrong, I love compliments, but the truth is, I wasn’t too fond of the fey. The only reason I was betrothed to Alexander was because my damn mother, had used my appearance to pay back her debt two years ago. I was quite found of Alex though. He was very kind and allowed me to finish school as a normal teenager before we were married. He always protected me and would, as far as I know, give me anything I wanted.

Once, about a year ago, I wanted to test is loyalty and love. For Yule, the Winter Solstice, I asked him for a star. New to the world of the fey, I thought this to be an impossible task, but to my surprise he nodded and said, ‘As you wish.’

Sure enough, he made a deal with a Sky Dancer who brought him a star, imprisoned in a silver locket which he gave to me that very night.

I had that same locket on now. I never took it off. Sometimes, late at night, I would release the star from its prison and it would swirl around my room, creating exquisite designs of light. Alex hat told me that, like his love, ‘it will prove its strength and if it ever escapes, call to it, and it shall return’. He was right. No matter what, the star always came back. Circling around me until it came to nudge my cheek before returning to the locket.

I didn’t even knock before Alex’s doors swung open and he stepped out of the room.

“You look lovely, Ro.”

I blushed. “Thank you. And thank you for the dress, too.”

“It’s nothing,” he said smiling down at me.

As I took his arm, a mixture of wings and shadows surrounded me in an oddly comforting embrace.

I sighed in contentment and Alex gave my hand a gentile squeeze. And we made our way down to the court yard were the Shadow fey waited to greet us.

When we finished the feast, music began to play. Having eaten fairy food, I was, in a way, high on life. The music was seductively beautiful; not a single sour note. Knowing full well what the food, wine and music would do to me, Alex took my hand and spun me onto the dance floor.

I couldn’t resist a dance with him, and he knew it. This happened every time and although I always cursed him for it the next morning, the sensation of being in his arms as we danced, was incredible. One of the only problems was that I was still a mortal. I didn’t have fairy energy so I would dance until I eventually passed out from exaction. And that, is exactly




I awoke the next morning in Alex’s bed. I was still in the purple dress and Alex in striped PJ pants. Really, just the pants. He was asleep on the couch and… and he had a nice body. It just occurred to me that I had never seen him without a shirt. He looked like a sleeping angel. His smooth, leathery wings curled back behind and around him, his silver hair shimmering. I went over to him and ran my fingers over the black feathers, something I never would have done if he were awake. I let my fingers run through his hair and placed a delicate kiss on his forehead.

I was about to leave when I heard the rustling of fabric and feathers.

“Now why don’t you do that when I’m awake?”

I turned and I’m sure my face was red. “I… I didn’t know you… you were…I’m so sorry!”

In seconds he was beside me. Holding me. Comforting me.

“It’s perfectly fine.”

“But I-”

“You what?” Then he ran his fingers through my long black hair and kissed my forehead, like I had done to him. He let his shadowy wings fold around us. Rubbing against my bare arms and shoulders.  One hand was on my neck, the other on the small of my back. I gave in then. My hands entwined behind his head and I buried my face in his shoulder.

Maybe I could do this. Merry him. Become his queen. Maybe I could learn to love him like he loved me. Perhaps I already was…

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