Boredom Leads to Love Noctis x Reader

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You let out a bored sigh as you looked around at the boring party you were forced to come to. Most people would sacrifice their limbs to come to a royal dance, but you personally found it utterly...BORING.

Everyone here was pretty much a snob wearing thousand dollar dresses and jewelry that were definitely statement making. A few girls actually dared to call you an uneducated bafoon. But after a couple death threats they avoided you at all cost.

Wouldn't want that pretty, fake face smashed now would we?

But that wasn't the only thing!

Oh, you were just skimming the surface.

You had to wear a god damn dress.

You were a bit of a tomboy so it was rare to see you wearing a dress but Ignis told you it was necessary so you found the cheapest one you could rent for the night.

It was pearl white and had a very high cut out on the side that traveled all the way up to the top of your thigh. It certainly got the attention of more than a few wolves who were searching the crowd for sheep to slaughter.

You already had to threaten at least twenty guys, one you nearly twisted his finger off when he had the audacity to grope you.

You weren't even done yet.

A small orchestra was playing classical music that made you want to fall on the floor and sleep. You couldn't stop yawning no matter how hard you tried not to.

But no, you couldn't leave until the party was officially over and everyone left. The reason why you were here in the first place was because you were not only friends with Prince Noctis, but you were one of his protectors too.

Speaking of said prince where was he?

You looked around at the sea of colors but couldn't spot the prince in his black uniform.

Crap, you'd lost him already?

You heard the screaming of girls and then you understood. You rolled your eyes and shook your head knowing what was going on. It happened every single god damn time.

Prince Noctis was sprinting down a hallway a large group of fangirls following him. Right behind the girls were Gladio and Prompto who were trying to get the crazy fangirls to stop.

You sighed and decided to help since there was nothing better to do. You chugged the last of your sparkling water and placed it on a nearby table wiping your face with the back of your hand--you had already wiped your lipstick off a while ago.

You calmly followed to where you last saw them going, your heels loudly stomping against the tile. You couldn't hear shrill screaming anymore so you guessed they had given up or Noctis escaped.

When you were passing by a closet you yelped as you were suddenly pulled in and pressed to a firm chest, a hand covering your mouth.

Your heart was racing a thousand beats per minute hearing heavy breathing behind you.

"Are they still out there?" A familiar voice asked.

Wait, this wasn't some horror movie scene.

You took the persons wrists pulling their hands off of your face. Sure enough when you turned around it was the prince himself.

"What the hell you idiot!" You shouted slapping the back of his head.

"Ow! What was that for?" The Prince asked rubbing the back of his skull.

"For giving me a heart attack that's why! I thought you were gunna rape me or something." You said crossing your arms.

Noctis blushed and shook his head, "N-No! I'd never-"

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